Love story between two demi gods (Tobias X Belle) DnD Pt:2

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Tobias? Why were you-

Tales of Olympus

Requested by LogiBear24

When the next day roll around Tobias woke up to know that he was trap in belle's arms. Tobias tried to break free from her grip trying to not wake her up but it just made belle grip tighter around him.

Tobias mind- pls don't tell me that I have to wake her up to get myself free

That is when he heard the others knocking on a door yelling his name . That is when they knock on belle's room trying to wake her up.

When she woke up her grip around Tobias loosen and Tobias was able to get out of her grip.

Belle- What?

Isaac- It time for you to get yup

Belle- Fine just give me a few minutes

That is when she turn to Tobias who was stretching.

Belle- Tobias

Tobias- Ya?

Belle- Thank you and also sorry for dragging you to my room

Tobias- No no it's ok its ok you were just in lost of mind for a little bit that all.

That is when Vinny knock on Tobias door trying to yell.

Belle- I just realized something

Tobias- Did you realized it too?

That is when Tobias was about to leave belles room when she grab Tobias arm

Belle- Wait why don't both of us go together?

Tobias- Umm sure

Tobias mind- I just hope Isaac doesn't try and killed me

When the two got our of belle room Vinny was the frost person who saw both of them walk out of belle room.

Vinny- Hey Hey my dude what were you doing with belle did anything excited happen?

Tobias- What? Oh no no no its not like that Vinny

Vinny- sure it isn't

That is when Isaac and Harry came from the other room

Harry- Finally took you guys long enough we have work to do

Tobias- Yes yes I know

When they got out to the living room Vinny said this out loud for everyone to hear this

Vinny- So Tobias why were you in belle room?

Isaac- What!?

Tobias- Look its really none of your guys business so can you just drop it

Isaac- Ya what were you doing in her room

That is when belle grab Isaac and look at him with a stare that can making the most nicest of people terminated

Belle- Look guys Tobias was just helping me out with a few things that all so drop it ok

Isaac- Fine but I don't like it.

After a few hours have past everyone have started heading out to New York when belle grab Tobias to the side

Tobias- Belle what are you doing?

Belle- Well I want to thank you in a way so take this as a thank you

That is when belle kiss Tobias on the cheek before walking to the others. Tobias put his hand on the cheek where she kiss before walking to the others where there adventure begins.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now