Love Story between An Actor & A Zombie (Xylo X Ritchie) OriginZ PT: 2

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When xylo left the safe heaven Ritchie feel bad for him. Xylo just save inmos and his own behinds but now xylo is getting punish for it.

Richie was this close on walking to the warden room before stoping himself because it could make things worse.

When Ritchie went into his new home he was feeling a little bit hungry and was about to take out some brains when he saw a hole in his backpack.
Richie started freaking out before realising that he needs to get more brains or else he can be in real trouble.

Richie told the others about his problem and they did help Ritchie out on getting a new food source for him.

While they finally got some he look back thanking he herd something but he saw a small heard of zombies.

Everyone ran while Ritchie stay behind.

Richie had some anger inside of him and he wanted to let it out.

While everyone got away Ritchie killed the whole heard of zombies out of anger.
While waiting back he wonder if xylo was ok and he really want to see him soon.

While that was happening to Ritchie xylo in the other hand was having a little problem.

While xylo was about to leave the place a zombie came out of no where and started to attach him.

Xylo had a crowbar between him and the zombie but that soon ended when the zombie was about to attach him the crowbar flung out of his hands.

The zombie didn't get the chance to bite him but he did swatch him on the arm before a young girl came a shot the monster.

Xylo thank her and she told him her name was Nicoline and he was lucky that she came before that zombie ended up biting him.

When she said that xylo remember that the zombie did swatch him.

What xylo knows a swatch from the disease it have a lest presented to turn you into a zombie unlike a bite from a zombie.

While they were walking to the safe heaven they bump into Michael group who did shot at them for no good reason at all.

They talk for some time before heading back to the safe heaven.

Everyone went inside because two people cookie and micheal ran inside and started making a huge seen when their was no one their.

Xylo didn't want to be in big trouble so he ran inside getting the two.

Xylo found cookie but did lost podrick .

When xylo was watching cookie he herd Ritchie voice.

When xylo turn it was just in time for Ritchie to give him a huge hug.

Podrick and cookie had a face on them saying are you two dating.

They both turn to them frozen before telling them that they are not dating at all and they are just close friends.

Podrick look a Ritchie with a face saying what ever you say.

After everyone have met the warden they went to the doc for cookie meads.

While meeting the doc Ritchie say close to xylo before seeing something that made him worry.

He saw a small swatch on xylo arm.

Richie can also tell xylo have been hiding this from everyone.

When the doc got closer to his "lad rats" Richie felt nerves before going behind xylo.

Doc did see this but didn't put it to close mind because he seem human.

While the doc was checking cookie out Ritchie did pull xylo a side and was talking to him.

Richie as him if he was really ok and should we be worry about you turning into a zombie.

Xylo did told Ritchie that the swatch that he had on him was very small and he won't turn into a zombie because of it.

After leaving the docs Ritchie did start having feeling for xylo.

Richie did brush it off though thinking it was just nothing but little does he know it started growing.

Xylo felt a little sick but he did know that he won't turn into a zombie because people who do turn into a zombie with a small swatch like this are normally little children.

While everyone went into their different ways Ritchie did pull xylo a side asking him they can share a plane together while they sleep in his plain.

They did agree that would be a smart plain and that night Ritchie did sleep with xylo on his bed.

It did took some time for xylo to except this thinking it was a little weird and he turning red in the face at time to time but as soon Ritchie did say it was ok and it won't be a problem they both agree to it.

Richie did have two nightmare that he was able to wake up from.

But knowing that everything was going to be fine he snuggle up to xylo and went back to sleep.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now