Love story between two demi gods ( Bryan X Inpu) Olympus

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Behind The Water Fall

Requested by DjfoxE

When the ball had finally started everyone was having the best time of there life. Everyone was dancing to the music, eating the food, and even drinking the "Apple Juice." Soon when the facing was over everyone went to go check out everything around the ball while some people stay put and still dance with there partners.

Bryan and Inpu wanted to go check out things by themselves but they did promise that they would meet up soon and have the best time of there life together.

*With bryan*

Bryan was talk to the other people at the ball seeing if there having fun that type of thing. Bryan even went for a swim in the shark tank with a few other people knowing full will that they were having the time of there life.

Bryan Mind- Where inpu?

Xylo- Hey Bryan do you want to join us to get some food?

Bryan- Umm no thank you but thanks for asking

Mario- Ok your list

Bryan- I going to go now ok guys

Ned - Ok see you later then

Bryan - Ya see you later bye

Soon Bryan went off and flew away to a part of the garden where there was no one.

Bryan Mind- Why do I want to have some time with Inpu. Grr I am so selfish

After thinking to himself for a while now Inpu was able to sneak behind him and grad him with his arms.

Bryan - Inpu!?

Inpu- Hi Bryan what's wrong you don't seem to be having fun

Bryan- Oh no I am just that I wish that we could have some time to see self that all

Inpu- Oh I see will then we can walk around if you want?

Bryan - Ya I would love that

Soon Bryan got up from his set and stared walking with his boyfriend who soon going to be his husband when Bryan was able to take Inpu behind the waterfall in the Garden

Inpu- Bryan what are we going here?

Bryan- So I can do this

Bryan went up to Inpu and started making out with him. It been a few minutes when they finally pull apart.

Inpu- Oh I see you want me and you to have alone time

Bryan- Ya I'm sorry

Inpu- Don't be I know it must be hard for you because of everything that happen but I do what you to know I am here for you no matter what

Bryan- Thank you Inpu

Soon after they started making out for a while until Inpu had to go back to work. Soon after the ball Inpu took Bryan back to his house where they slept together after the long run night that they had.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now