Love story between two humans who need to survive (Brandon X Luke) OriginZ

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Brandon X Luke X Dave

You Survive

For those who wonder Luke is Lucas. Luke is a small nick name I have for him.

When the whole town was over run with zombies only a few people survive that.

One day when a boy name luke was surviving on his own he was over run with zombies.

Luke didn't know what to do and started panicing.
Luke soon pass out after giving a huge scream.

*Somewhere in the woods*

Brandon- What are we going to do about food dave

Dave-I dont-


Brandon- What was that

Dave- You idiot that was a scream I think it came from this way

Brandon & Dave ran to where they herd the scream8ng and that is where they found a boy on the ground surrounded by zombies

Brandon- We gotta help him

Dave and brandon kill the zombies around the area and that is where brandon notice something about the boy.

Brandon- Luke

Dave- You know him

Brandon- Yes I do but I thought he was dead.

Dave- he would be if we don't take him back to home base come on

Brandon & Dave ran back to home base where Brandon was holding luke close to his chest to make sure he doesn't drop him.

Brandon lay luke on his bed and went down stares to get some medical stuff.

Dave was stareing at the stanger playing with his soft hair.

Dave mind- How can brandon hold a cute stranger and know about him without telling me. Also why does he have to hold him I wanted to hold him.

Luke- * grones in pain*

Dave stop playing with his hair and started looking back at the stares.


Luke just work up with a stranger infront of him. He tried to get up to only feel more pain.

Dave- Their no need to be scared im name is dave you must be luke.

Luke- How do you know my name

*Brandon walk up the stares*

Brandon-Because of me

Luke- Brandon!? Is that you?

Brandon walk up to luke

Brandon- Yes it me. You had me worred you know I thought you die.

Luke- I won't go down that easty you know.

Brandon- Can you turn around for me I need to add some medicine on that huge bomp on your back.

Luke nod and turn around to let brandon put the medicine. Dave was getting angry because he wanted to do that.

After the medicine was put on his back. Luke turn back around to see dave and brandon stareing at him.

Dave- Brandon how come you never told me about your friend here.

Brandon- Because he was none of your-

Dave- Fine Fine

Dave got up and was about to walk closter to luke but brandon grab dave and went down states.

Brandon- Lesson here dave he mine understand

Dave- Dude he fare game you know

Brandon growl a little before pushing dave to the ground.

Brandon- Lesson here Dave Luke belongs with leo and I so leave it be

Dave- You just talking about yourself

Brandon- You have no idea at all

Brandon walk up stares and stared holding luke in his arms. Luke face turn red a little before laying his head back on brandon chest once again and fell a sleep.

Brandon mind- We haven't done this in so lone. I miss this about us. And im glad that we were able to see you again.

Brandon slowly lay luke back on the pillows and went down stares where an angry dave was at.

Dave- Lesson here brandon. I know that you know him before me but why does he have to be cute.

Brandon- He was born that way I would really like it if you don't do anything to him understand.

Dave look at the ground understanding what brandon was trying to stay to him.

Dave was a little mad but he really couldn't do anything because if he try anything brandon will kill him.

Brandon and Dave went back up stares to go to bed.

Dave went to his bed but was watching brandon getting in his bed and holding luke close to his chest.

Dave wanted to pull his axt on brandon but he was scared at the same time because of what he said.

Dave soon went to bed but you can gust that he wasn't happy at all

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now