Love Story between an Ice demon & Water god Slayer (Lucas X David) Fairytail

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Beach Party

Required by The_One_French_Fry

It was a hot day outside. Everyone was burning up after getting there new place a ready after what Ritchie did when he was drunk. Kit is still mad at him but try to think that he doesn't exist because what they didn't know was that there was a beach day at the island.

Brandon made a day for there guild to hang out at the beach so they can relax after a long year of them going threw hell and building this amazing island.

*Few Days Later*

Brandon called a meeting for everyone

Brandon- Hello everyone I called you here because I realise that you all work very hard on the island so I thought maybe we should have a beach party

Everyone-.... What?

Brandon- Its going to be fun now then everyone to the beach

After everyone got ready they went to the beach and had a blast but david have other eyes then everyone.

Mario- David you ok?

David- Mm ys im fine is that right plant

Plant- Plant Plant

David- What do you mean Im fine

Plant- Plant Plant Plant

David- Don't you dare

That is when plant went to lucas

Mario- What was all that about

David- Umm none of your business

That is when david ran after plant

When david got to plant finally he saw that he was to late but he also saw lucas face as red as a tomato

David- Plant what are you doing?

Plant- Plant Plant

David- Wait what!?

That is when lucas ran up to David and started hugging him making david blush

David- Lucas you ok?

Lucas- Im fine just plant told me some things that all

David- What did you tell him plant

Plant- Plant Plant

David- What do you mean you won't say

Soon after a while of talking lucas and david with plant of course went back to the beach party until it hit night fall. When it did everyone went back to there homes while david took lucas to his house where he talk to him a little bit

David- Plant I think its time for bed

Plant- Plant Plant

Lucas- Night plant

Plant- Plant

When plant went to bed l
David turn to lucas with a red face realising there alone now

Lucas- So david what do you want tk talk about?

David- You

Lucas- What!?

David- I mean what plant talk to you about

Lucas- Well plant told me you like me

David- What Was that? Plant you Traitor

Lucas- But I feel the same way about you too david

That is when david turn to lucas and gave him a kiss. And that night they slept together holding each other close knowing full well for what to come in the morning.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now