Love story between Two demi Gods (Bryan X Inpu) Olympus

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Time For The Ball

Requested by lucyrose943

The day have finally came. The Ball have finally came and everyone have been asking for dates. Inpu was nervous while his sibling Magnus had already gotten a date to the ball.

Magnus- You need to man up and ask him out to the ball ok That is what I did and Xylo said yes

Inpu- I'm sorry ok what if he say no

Xylo- He is not going to say no to his boyfriend. You got this and no matter what happens we will be here for you right Magnus

Magnus- Yes

Inpu- Ok Ok here we go

After that Inpu walk up to Bryan with his special flowers in his hands.

Inpu- Hi Bryan will you see this is for you

*Hands him the flowers*

Bryan- Thank you so much I love them

Inpu- I know you would but I would love to ask you something

Bryan- What is it my love?

Inpu- Would you go to the dance with me?


Inpu- I am glad to here that and I hope that we all soon get that point

After that Inpu and the others have gotten themselves ready for the ball.

*At the ball*

When Inpu and Bryan went to the ball everyone was having there own fun time. People were dancing and having the best time of there lives when someone came up to Bryan and poor a potion in his drink.

Inpu saw this and tried to stop Bryan from drinking the class but it was already to late. When Bryan took a sip of the drink the potion was starting to take effect of him.

Soon everyone stop the music and saw bryan wings and his old evil self trying to take control. Bad memories also have started to come back to him. He thought he was about to loose control again when inpu ran up to him and was holding his hand.

Inpu- Bryan you can fight this ok this isn't you and we all know that

Bryan- Pls it hurts

Inpu- I know I know but you can fight this and I know you can

Bryan- But I can't I'm too weak

Jyles- No your not you have us

Xylo- And no matter what happens we will be here for you

Jyles- Yes no matter the cost

Bryan- Ok Ok I can try

Inpu- Don't try just pls fight back We all believe in you

*Inpu kiss him*

Inpu- I believe in you

Bryan- Ok Ok

After that people can see bryan color turning for white and gold to black and purple. He keeps changing until inpu grad bryan and kiss him again. When he kiss him bryan soon broke into two parts of himself.

When everyone saw the other evil part he just turn to bryan and gave him a smile.

E. Bryan- You know you need me

Bryan- I do not I have my friends and my family that is all the power that I need to survive

E. Bryan- But Everyone hates you from what you did you need me to become stronger and I need you to just sit there and watch.

Bryan- No I refused

Inpu- This isn't your choice to jus lock up bryan and turn him into the monster that you are

Kay- Everyone have a choice and his choice is to not become you

E. Bryan- Oh look its the girl that we killed together

Bryan- You killed her not me

E. Bryan- Sure tell yourself that but you can't do anything about it

Bryan- Grr

Inpu- No I know there a way to stop you and you know that bryan is the only thing that's stopping you from hurting everyone here.

E. Bryan- Don't you think I don't know that

Bryan- Wait what?

Xylo- Of course why didn't I think of that before. I think my brother told me of this.

Bryan- What is it?

Xylo- You need to kill him bryan. Forget your past and fight back change

E. Bryan- And how do you know about that. Was it because of are sister doing the same thing?

Bryan- Wait What?

Xylo- Yes it is

E.Bryan- She was an idiot to do that without me and now that part of her is dead but now I will be in control

Bryan- No you will not

Soon bryan is attacking evil bryan. Some of the other people tried to help but xylo stop them because if they were to help they can make things worse for everyone here.

After a while evil bryan was growing weak. Feeding of bryan emotions was the thing that gave him strength but this hope he have is making him feel weak.

That is where inpu came in and trap evil bryan in a shadow like cage

Bryan- What?

E.Bryan- Let Me go I refuse to become one again you can not kill me

Bryan- I sorry but it have to come to this

After that bryan and his evil self came together and form. When that happen half of bryan was still corrupted.

Mario- What happen to him?

Xylo- They become one and now its time for the final peace. Inpu your the only one that can give him this

*Xylo gave inpu a potion*

Inpu- What does this potion do?

Xylo- This potion can reverse the corruption and turn bryan back to normal again

Inpu- I see

Inpu can tell why xylo said that he was the only one because bryan didn't let anyone but him to go near him.

Inpu- Bryan its me inpu

Bryan- Inpu?

Inpu- Yes I have something that can fix you

Bryan- Grr I don't need that potion

Inpu Mind- How am I going to- Oh wait

Soon inpu put the whole potion in his mouth and ran to kiss bryan. When he kiss bryan he made sure bryan drank the potion out of him mouth witch turn him back to normal once again.

After that the ball started up again and everyone started to dance there hearts away to the music and when the ball ended inpu and bryan kiss under the bright moon light from the stars.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now