Who The Better Lover Pt:2

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Bri X Xylo X Magnus

Origins Of Olympus

Requested by AnthonyFernandez789

Out of Xylo life he didn't have a perfect past that many people may know. He was an Orphan and even through he was given to a great family he never knew his real mother. His father never told about her and even if he ask he would just fight with him so he have up.

Threw Xylo life only a few knew Xylo pain which where one of his brothers and his best friends. He was scared that if anyone found out about his past no one would want him and just throw him away like trash.

Out of his life through they were these two wonderful woman who would always be by his side no matter what the problem is but of course between you and me they only been there for Xylo because they love him what some believe but that not mostly true.

Bri became his best friend because she was looking for friends and Xylo were one of the few people that were nice to her. Magus meeting with Xylo was different. she wanted to kill Xylo but soon enough when time went by Magnus got to like Xylo as a friend but the feeling within her grew.

*Few days later*

Xylo was reading his book when someone went behind him. It was Magnus

Magnus- What you doing?

Xylo- Reading my book why?

Magnus- Because I want to spend some time with you that all

That is when Bri flew by and saw the ship talking so she went to say hi

Bri- Hi Xylo

Xylo- Oh Hi Bri what up?

Bri- I was flying around that all what up with you

Xylo- You see-

Magnus- Xylo and I were going to hang out

Bri- Ooo that fun can I come

Magnus- Mmm

Xylo- Bri she doesn't trust people that often so don't push it

Bri- Oh. Will this can be a perfect time to get to know each other scents your brother is dating mine after all

Magnus- Find them

After that they went to have a amazing time together but for some reason bri and magnus kept pulling xylo away from each other like they want to have a long time but the other one kept getting in the other way.

It took some time but when it hit night fall xylo found out what the girls were doing but he didn't want to make them upset so he came out with a great idea.

Xylo- Hey girls why don't you follow me I want to show you guys something

*At the spot*

Bri & Magnus- Wow its beautiful

Xylo- I know right?

Bri- I know looking at stars are nice and all but why do they look more colorful and brighter than normal?

Xylo- Its something called the galaxy sky

Magnus- What's that?

Xylo- Its a day when the galaxy show its true colors out in the night sky. It normally happens random so you have to keep an eye on the clouds

Bri & Magnus- How are clouds going to tell us when this is going to happen?

Xylo- You see in the sky there will be two clouds that will be shape as a angle and a demon. When that happens it tell you when the sky shines bright

Bri- Wow that's actually sounds amazing

Magnus- I never seen these stars like this. Was that why you were outside?

Xylo- Yes and no. I came outside to calm down a little after a run in with my brother brick. That is when I saw the two clouds and new it was time

Bri- Did you seen this before?

Xylo- Yes when I was a little kid my father told me that my real mom show me this. I remember the colors and everything about the night sky but not my mother

Magnus- You don't know where she at do you

Xylo- No I don't but I do know my father knows where she is and he just isn't telling me

Magnus- Grr that sounds like my father

Bri- That is sad to here bur remember we will he here for you and no matter what we will help you out when you need it

Xylo- Thanks guys but I need to go. Its late and I am kinda tired

Magnus- Then go rest

Xylo- Ya night everyone

Bri- Night

Soon when xylo left magnus and bri turn each other and gave each other a stare. As soon as that was over they got up and head back to there cabins dreaming about the day that they will have xylo as there boyfriend and nothing is going to get in there way to get that

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now