Love story between a panda and a bunny (Bri X Panda) OriginZ

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After the huge bom problem Austin wasn't himself at all. Seek and Colin tried to cheer him up but nothing work. At the end of the day Colin and seek kinda gave up and left Austin alone for a few days.

During those few days Colin and seek have started making the plain to help with the cure and the saving of lifes.

During the whole thing with what was happening inside the bunker Austin found out that he was one of the people who started this while thing. He felt responsible for it and everyone soon made a plan to take down the people who are still selling the drugs.

When they took some of the people down the person who could of help this whole thing stop was shot dead. Colin couldn't save him at all and when Austin pull out his gun they saw bri's main tool threw the man's skull.

Austin- Wait that's bri! Bri are you here

Bri- Yes I am

Bri soon came out of the trees and Austin ran up to her giving her the hugest huge that he have ever gave.

Austin- I miss you

Bri- I miss you too

Seek- But how?

Collin- It just be the fact that she a zombie. Her head wasn't crush so she survive

Bri- Yes that's true

Austin- I have so many words to say to you I was to tell you something

Bri- Yes what is it?

Austin- Will you go out with me?


Bri kiss Austin on the cheek and Austin did the same to her. When they got back from the mission they bury their new friend outside telling him their goodbyes.

When they got inside seek and Collin left the two alone for a while, while they catch up and plan where they are going on their date.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now