Love story between two demi gods (Bryan X Inpu) Olympus

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Love Potion

Requested by Nightskyartz

Inpu and bryan was hanging out one day when River had anoff so he did something.

While inpu was talking to bryan river made imno poor a potion into inpu cup and when inpu drank it he started not feeling to good.

Inpu- Im sorry bryan but I think I have to go lay down

Bryan- Why are you ok?

Inpu- I don't know but I think something flew or was poor into my coffie

Bryan- Ok Ok I can help you get to your room if you like?

Inpu- No im find

After that day inpu had started feeling hate for bryan. When bryan went to see him on how he was doing inpu would yell, hit, and even do things that seem off. When his sibling saw this behavior they ask bryan about what he did to inpu but bryan would say he didn't do anything. When they ask inpu about this he would say that he just hate him and want him dead. They didn't feel safe when they hurd those words from they own brother mouth so they went to sleep with xylo for a few days.

Bryan soon felt horrible. River was there trying to make him feel better but bryan new deep down inside if him that something is wrong. He just didn't know why he had that feeling until imno gave bryan a note witch tolled him that inpu drank a hate potion and now he kinda hate him. After reading that note bryan went to imno to see why.

Bryan- Imno? Imno are you home?

Imno Mind- Oh no why is he here pls for the love of god can he go away

Bryan- I need to talk to you about that potion

Imno- Not to loud or else he would hear you

Bryan whister- Who?

Imno- I will explain everything ok

Bryan- Ok then

When Bryan went inside imno explain everything about what happening to Inpu but he didn't tell who made him do it.

Bryan- So Inpu are under a effect of a hate potion

Imno- *nods*

Bryan- And someone in this camp but you can't tell me who force you to do this

Imno- *nods*

Bryan- Ok I See that makes a lot of scents

Imno- Also I really don't know how to br-break the potion spell

Bryan- Oh I know hate potions are very complicated just like love potions

Imno- You know how to fix it

Imno Mind- Does he really know how to break a hate potion

Bryan- I do but it's not easy at all

Imno- Do you need help?

Bryan- Ummm no a least not right now. If it harder than I think then I would need help but for now I think I know what to do.

After that Bryan started to do his plan to break the potion effects on inpu. When he was done all he needed left is Inpu so he ask Xylo to go get him but not to stay anything to him which he agrees.

Bryan Mind- I hope this works

After a few minutes Xylo came back with Inpu and that is where the fun began.

Bryan- Oh Hi Inpu

Inpu- Bryan

Bryan- Here if I do this one thing and if it doesn't work I would leave camp and never return

Inpu- I see will then let's get it over

Xylo- Ya I am just going to be over here if you need me ok

Inpu- Ok that should be fine but don't get to comfy we still need to read threw are books

Xylo- Ok

After that Bryan took a jump of fate and kiss Inpu right on the lips
After that Inpu started kissing back raping his tail around Bryan leg so he won't get the chance to run. After a while they pull away from each other breathing heavily.

While that was happening Xylo had already left the area and man was he glad that he was gone.

When they pull apart from one another Bryan was pull back into Inpu chest. Bryan how knows that he might be in a lot of trouble now.

Inpu- Thank you Bryan for that man I hated seeing you upset

Bryan who is blushing a little- Ya anything

Inpu- Hey I have to go somewhere but why don't I drop off at your place tonight

Bryan- Umm sure

After that Inpu did as he said. Inpu went to Bryan place just to cuddle him and say that he was sorry about everything that he did and say. Bryan can tell Inpu was tired so he took Inpu to his bed and was about to leave when Inpu pull Bryan into the bed with him and was holding him before falling asleep. Soon Bryan ended up doing the same as well.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now