Love story between two dragon Slayers (Bryan X Allumos ) Fairytail

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Dragon Training

Required by _WhatIsSleep_

After the meeting of grimshade  Allumos have been having bryan on his mind. When pat realize why allumos have been acting weird he told him that bryan have a boyfriend and that he can't do this but surely he realize something happen.

Allumos was waiting for bryan to show up for there training when a bird flew to him. The brid had a note that read.

-Hey Allumos sorry but I can't train today something happen which broke my heart so I will bw staying at home for a few weeks but don't worry I will get better

    -Love Bryan

After Allumos read the note he went to the protectors and found out where bryan lived. When he got to his house he wasn't really surprise that bryan was rich because he seem to be that type of boi

Allumos Mind-  Ok ok I hope bryan is going to be ok

When allumos open the door the first thing he smell was tears. When allumos went up stares he saw bryan in his room crying

Allumos- Bryan?

Bryan- Allumos!? What are you doing here?

Allumos- Will I got your note and became kind of worry about you

Bryan- Im sorry for worrying you

Allumos- No its ok I get it

Soon allumos set on bryan bed and he told allumos everything. He told him that a boy name prox came to the guild and took his boyfriend away. He told him the lie that kay told him that made jakey broke up with him and all of the pain he went threw.

After a while allumos became sorry for bryan and took him in for a hug making bryan cry on his shoulder.

Allumos- Bryan no matter what happens I will always be here for you and no matter what happens I will be by your side

Bryan- Thank you

Soon after that bryan and allumos became close with each other. Training with each other and telling each other things that others don't even know. Soon allumos couldn't hold his feeling back anymore and told bryan his feeling towards him.

Bryan- Oh Allumos

Bryan took him in for a kiss and in the first time after a while bryan felt that warm in his heart once again

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