Love story between two demi gods (Bryan X Inpu) Olympus

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I'm here for you

Requested by BillDipWolfStar

After the ball everyone went back home where Bryan started to feel the tears coming back for the death of his friend. He didn't want the same thing to repeat itself but he knows it going to if evil Bryan doesn't get stop.

That is when Inpu came out of nowhere and ran up to bryan.

Inpu- Bryan are you ok? What's wrong?

Bryan- I I

Inpu- Shh it's ok I'm here for you so what is the problem pls tell me

Bryan- will you see he have return and now all the things from my last is coming back to me now I don't know what to do

Inpu- Bryan you need to calm down ok take a deep breath and relax

Bryan- Ok ok

Inpu- So what happen?

After Bryan explain everything to Inpu Bryan thought he would just run and say he is a monster and hated him for everything but he was wrong. Inpu took Bryan into his arms.

Inpu- Bryan everything is going to be ok. I know that everything might seem horrible but I promise you things are going to get better ok

Bryan- Really?

Inpu- Yes really and no matter what happens I will be by your side threw everything ok

Bryan- Ok thank you Inpu your one of the best boyfriends that I ever have

Inpu - Ya I know and no matter what comes are path I will make sure we get threw this together.

After talking for a little bit it was getting late and Inpu out Bryan to bed. Before he left he made a promise to bryan about no matter what going to happen I will stay by your side forever and forever. I will make sure nothing gets into your way and I promise you that.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now