Love Story between two demi gods ( Collin X Kai) Olympus

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Ice & Water

Requested by CmnMoonFrito

Everyone knew that kai was back to get everyone and everyone was scared for what to come. Austin always kept an eye out while seek and collin tried there best to keep bri safe but soon collin knew something that been bugging him for some time now.

When ever kai would come he would always hurt seek hurt austin the most but as for collin kai would always be careful around trying his best to not hurt him a lot. Collin didn't know why but when kai does come he feel happy like something from inside his chest have been free and he is able to do what he wanted but when he away from kai sometimes he feel his heart breaking into two peaces like something is missing in his life.

Soon collin realise the feeling that he have is love. He had fell in love with kai and he wanted to be with him but he knows that if hr does do that he would be leaving his brothers behind.

*A few days later*

Collin was minding his own business when seek had sounded the alarm.

Seek- Kai is here

Bri- What!?

Austin- Bri get behind us now

Kai- Oh don't worry I didn't come for you

Collin-Then why are you here?

Kai- I came here to pick up something or at least someone

That is when kai took collin hand.

Kai- I came here to take collin here that all bye

Collin- Wait What!?

Austin- COLLIN!?

Soon kai and collin disappear into nothingness like they weren't even there

Bri- Collin oh no

Seek- Brother

Austin- We need to get him back I don't know why kai want collin but it must not be good so let go now

Bri & Seek- Right

While that was happening kai took collin back at his place puting him in his room locking the door.

Collin- Kai why are you doing this?

Kai- I been watching you for a while now and I just want some alone time with you

When kai said that collin started to grow a little bit red

Collin- Why me?

Kai- Because I love you and I know you love me but your scared that if your brothers found out they would kill you

Collin- I I gust your right about that

Kai- You see now its just you and me

Soon kai pin collin to the bed and started kissing him. Collin always wanted to have a moment with kai and this was one of his only chances so he took it.

While kai was kissing collin Collin rap his arms around kai neck holding him very close. After a while of kissing kai wanted to mark collin as his own so he went down to find a spot to bite. When kai found it he took it and bite hard leaving a mark but its not bleeding. After a while the others found them and what they saw was horror finding. They saw collin chan with marks all over his body.

Bri- Collin!?

Austin- Lets take him back we can heal him at home

*Before they found him*

Kai and collin wanted to keep this a secret so they put on a plan. The marking on Collin body were a type of plant that can make the body look like it was hurt but its not. Then kai chan collin to a rock and before he left he kiss collin.

Kai- See you soon my love

Collin- See you soon

After he left everyone found him while he fakes being knock out.

A few days past and collin waits for his love to return for him so they can catch up on what they were doing.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now