Love Story between two demi Gods ( Jyles x Xylo x ?) Olympus PT: 2

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Im a Dog!?

Jyles x Xylo x Magnus

Requested by DjfoxE & KarlaMMelndezNegrn

(I thought to put them together to make it longer for everybody)

After xylo was done talking to jyles he was kinda fluster about the whole thing. So he went to cool off. While cooling off someone came from behind him.

When he look to see who it is it was magnus and it seems they are kinda worry about something but xylo doesn't know what.

Xylo- Oh magnus I didn't know you were going to be here.

Magnus- Umm ya but are you ok?

Xylo- Ok? I don't know but I will be find after taking a few breaths

Magnus- That's good to hear

Xylo- How about you?

Magnus- Not really you see someone took some of my brothers and my DNA but we don't know who.

Xylo- That's seems horrible. Let me know if you need help ok?

Magnus- Ok I will let you know if I need it

Xylo- Ok

After some talking magnus had to head somewhere else so they said there goodbyes and left

Xylo Mind- It seems that magnus is doing find. I really hope that who ever is messing with them would stop and who ever this person is would pay the prise.

After that xylo started to walk home when he was grad from the back. When he turn he saw jyles holding something in his hand.

Before xylo can react jyles made xylo drink the bottle and when he was done xylo started changing into a dog.

When he was finish he was a German shepherd mix.

( Xylo was a full black one with bright purple eyes. His tattoos showed on the dog and so did his reef. But that tattoos kinda camouflage in his fur so you have to be really close to him to see the tattoos faded on him.)

Xylo- Wait What did you do to me?

Jyles- I turn you into my puppy dog like you always were

Xylo- I was never you dog

Jyles- Yes you are. Your my puppy dog and no matter what you will always be one

Xylo- *grrr*

Jyles- And besides no one would be able to hear you because your just a dog

Xylo Mind- That's not true I know someone

Jyles- If you know someone who can then who is it

Xylo- Its no body

Jyles- That's what I thought and now be a good boy and let me put your collar on

When he said that jyles pull out a purple and black spike collar out of his pocket.

When xylo saw the he started growling at him.

Xylo- Jyles I am not wearing that

Jyles- Why not? Your look so cute in it darling

Xylo- I am not cute

Jyles- Oh xylo look at yourself your adorable

Xylo- *Grrr*

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