Love Story Between two demi gods (Solis X Inpu) Olympus

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Love Between The Sun

Requested by brakey4life

It was a normal day outside Inpu was reading his book when Solis came by to see what's up.

Solis- Hey Inpu

Inpu- Oh hey Solis what up?

Solis- Will I was wondering if you would like to come with me

Inpu- Why? Did you do something?

Solis- No will at least that I don't remember that is

Inpu- Ok then so what's up?

Solis- Will I have something plain and I want you to come with me so can you pls just come pls

Inpu- Fine

Solis- Yay

Soon Solis and Inpu went out of the place and when they were walking out of the camp Solis beatle scar became it's giant form. Inpu was shock at first seeing scar on his normal form for the first time but before Inpu could say anything Solis grab Inpu and put him in scar back.

Inpu- What are you doing solis?

Solis- Putting you on scars back

Inpu - That also reminds me why is scar big

Solis- Will this is his normal form I wasn't paying that you can ride  on him

Inpu- Ya hehehe I can see that

Soon after riding scar for a while Inpu saw that they head to a Pyramid. Inpu was surprise that they were heading to a Pyramid but at the same time he was excited and curious for what to come

Inpu- So why are we at a pyramid?

Solis- Your see

When they went inside Solis turn to Inpu and said-

Solis- Your in for a surprise

Soon Solis open the door and that is where Inpu saw it. It was like a romantic date that there ancestors would do when someone was in love with somebody within the past

Inpu- Umm solis what is all of this

Solis- Will I wanted to do something for you because I love you Inpu

Inpu- What!?

Solis- Yes I had this feeling for a long time but I didn't know what to do or how to say it so I ask for my father help. He help me out with this and I was the one who brought you here hehehe why you don't like it

Inpu - No it's not that it the fact that it is I love you too Solis

Soon both Inpu and Solis started making kissing each other holding there moment with each other together and with On with there date.

When they got back Magnus wasn't happy because her brother promise to help her out with something and he didn't show so she was telling at Solis and Inpu for a while as for those to they kept that night to themselves ready for the next time they get to spend time together.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now