Love story between two demi gods (Jakey X River) Olympus

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The Water Shows Love

Requested by shawdythepanda

It was a calm peaceful day in the water. River was trying to think about what has been happening and what he have to get ready for when someone come from right behind him.

River Mind- Why am I like this all for a love or is it just all for me. I don't know

Jakey- Umm hello?

When jakey said that river turn around to see jakey the man that he have been crushing on after he mess up with bryan

River- Oh umm hello?

Jakey- Hello my name is jakey and you might be river

River- Oh you have heard of me?

Jakey- People are mistaken me as you

River- Oh I see but I don't know why they would mistaken me as you

Jakey- I know right

After a while river and jakey have started talking with one in other and night had fallen jakey was getting quite tired.

River saw this and made jakey lay on him lap which made jakey blush.

Jakey- Oh umm thank you

River- I saw that you were getting tried so I thought that you might want to lay your head on something

Jakey- I understand thank you

After that jakey fell asleep on river lap. River soon grad jakey and took him to his home where he laid down on his bed and they both fell asleep that night. During the middle of the night jakey cuddle up to river which made river blush in his sleep knowing about what would come to him later on.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now