Love story between two demi gods (Lee X Xylo) Olympus

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Love shows All

Requested by AstroMike

After the whole fight with his brother Xylo came back to the cabin where he saw Lee crying in the floor.

Xylo- Lee?

Lee- Xylo your alive

Soon Lee ran up to Xylo and gave him a huge hug not even caring in the world about his new scars

Xylo- Ow Lee that hurt

Lee- Oh sorry

Lee let's go

Lee- I'm sorry it's just I heard something from my mother and she said you died

Xylo- Died no almost yes

Lee- Oh I see here let me help you

Soon Lee grab Xylo and heal hand him making sure he was ok and heal up. Soon after a while of healing him Xylo turn to lee and Apologizing to her saying sorry for what lies she had heard.

But she didn't care she soon turn and hard Xylo giving him a kiss.

Lee- I miss you dummy

Xylo- I miss you too my love

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now