Love story Between two demi gods (Xylo X Magnus) Olympus

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A Night To Remember

Requested by AnthonyFernandez789

It was one of the most brightest day. Xylo was under a tree taking a nap when someone was taping his shoulder. He tried to ignore it at first but soon the taping turn to shaking.

When Xylo finally open his eyes he saw Magnus who look like they have seen a ghost.

Xylo- Magnus you ok?

Magnus- ...

Xylo- You doing have to tell me if you don't want to that is

Magnus- I don't want to talk about it

Xylo - Ok

Soon after Xylo got up and stretch. He felt like he haven't gotten a great sleep in a long while. Soon after thinking about what to do Magnus was just staring at him which made him a little worry.

Xylo- Magnus are you sure your ok?

Magnus- I'm not ok Xylo I just had a bad dream and I don't think I could sleep alone in the dark anymore.

Xylo- don't you have your brother Inpu sleeping in the dorm with you?

Magnus- I do but Inpu is going to sleep with Bryan tonight and I don't want to be alone

Xylo- Mmm I might have something then

Magnus- Really!?

Xylo- Meet me here at dawn I want to show you something

Magnus- Why that late?

Xylo- Just trust me

Magnus- Find see you then

*When dawn happen*

Xylo was laying back on the tree he saw sleeping on when Magnus finally show up.

Xylo- You finally show

Magnus - Of course I did so what did you want to show me

Xylo - Alright follow me on

Magnus- Ok?

After a while of walking into the forest near camp it started yo get pitch black out which scared magnus a lot. She wanted to turn back but if she did she would of gotten lost so she follow.

Magnus- Where are you taking me? Can we just head back?

Xylo- Look we are almost there ok

When the finally got to the place they were surprise to see all of the beautiful lights and stars in the sky. Soon they started to remember what inpu told from there past.

Inpu- Remember magnus when there darkness there come light

Magnus- So there nothing to be afraid of

Inpu- Nope your ok

When they got to a hill they started to look at the stars and the bright lights in the sky.

Magnus- Why did you take me here?

Xylo- I gust I wanted to tell you that even through darkness can be scary in every way there are the beauty that comes with it

Magnus- I see

After a while of being there looking at the stars magnus soon ended up falling asleep on xylo lap. With sweet care he took magnus back home where he lay them there and kiss there forehead goodnight.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now