Love Story between two demi gods (Cal X Bryan) Olympus

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Time Of Night

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It was one of the most brightest hottest days of summer. Cal was near the shark pool reading a book when cal heard a huge splash. Cal was worry to see what was in the pool so he slowly look and he saw bryan. Cal soon drop everything and jump in trying to keep the sharks at bay.

When he finally got bryan out of the pool he was yelling at bryan to wake up.

Cal- Bryan!? Bryan!? Bryan!? Wake Up Pls

After a while bryan did started to wake up to see a worry cal looking right him.

Cal- Bryan are you ok?

Bryan- Yes im find just tired that all

Cal- I see will then why don't you sleep at my place for a little bit until you feel strong enough to go back home.

Bryan- Thank you cal your the best.

Soon cal help bryan went to his room and let him rest on his bed while cal went on the computer lessening to some of his music.

Soon it started to get dark and Cal wanted to get some sleep before anything. When cal was getting ready for bed Bryan started waking up on cal bed.

He soon set up to see cal with no shirt on making Bryan blush hard. When cal turn to see this he blush and then just turn away.

Cal- Oh Bryan umm your awake

Bryan- Ya thanks to you that is hehehe

Cal- I see will then I was about to get ready for bed that why my shirt was off.

Bryan- Wait do you sleep in your-

Cal- What no I don't sleep in those on he'll no. I just take off my shirt when it's get too hot for me that all

Bryan- I see

Cal- Will now your awake do you have the strength to fly yet?

Bryan- Umm no sorry

Cal- Its ok I can sleep-

Bryan- No you can sleep on your bed I can try getting up and moving somewhere else

When Bryan tried to get up he just fell right back on the bed having a hard time to get up.

Cal- Ok I seeing you have a problem here so why don't we both sleep in the same bed

Bryan- What!?

Cal- Will ya if you ok that is

Cal was turning red a little bit on the face now realising what he just said.

Bryan- Oh sure why not

Soon cal got into bed and they both started falling asleep. I'm the middle of the night Bryan woke up from a weird dream and turn to see a sleeping cal.

Bryan Mind- Wow he is just like a sleeping angel I hope you don't mind what I'm doing.

Soon Bryan out his arms around cal and even wrapping his wings around cal falling right back to sleep holding the boy close to him.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now