They Found Out Pt: 2

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Bri X Xylo

Origin Of Olympus

Requested by Callistermac

After that day they started to date again. Bri was having the time of her life when she is with Xylo feeling free and able to do anything.

But soon after a while of this happening the Polynesian felt like something was wrong like Bri was not telling something to them that they should know. They soon comforted Bri and ask what's going on with her but she just said that it was her to know and no one else to know.

Austin, Seek, and Collin soon made a plain to follow Bri to where she was going to find out what's happening because they started to worry about her.

*That Night*

Everyone pretended to be a sleep to see Bri jumping out of her window and flying to camp.

Austin - Why is she flying to camp?

Seek- I don't know but we have to follow her right?

Collin - Right

Soon Collin slowly turn into a whale and they all went to the main island of camp.

When they got there they saw Bri looking around but they were able to hide behind a tree before she got the chance to see them

Bri Mind- Why do I have a feeling that someone is following me

After a while looking around she soon just have up and went to Xylo and Lee cabin where they were both sleeping at.

After a while of knocking Xylo open the door to see bri.

Xylo- Bri!?

Bri- Shhh

Xylo- Right sorry what are you doing here this late I thought you wanted to talk to me in the morning?

Bri- I do but I have so many other questions and I miss you Xylo a lot

Xylo- *sigh* I miss you too

Soon Bri went in for a hug and all of the Polynesian were shock to see this

Seek- Are they dating?

Collin- There know way she doesn't even remember him

Austin- I don't know what happening here but I don't like it

Soon after a while they went back to the island waiting tornado to return so they can talk to her about what is going on.

When Bri finally return home she was confronted by the three brothers and that is where she told the truth

Bri - Find you got me I am dating Xylo

Everyone but Bri- What!?

Seek- I knew it

Seek Mind - another person to kill

Austin- Does he make you feel happy?

Bri- Yes he does so don't worry ok

Collin- We won't but I am just surprised that you didn't tell us that all

Bri- I was scared you guys would get mad that why

Austin - We promise to not get mad ok

Bri- Ok thank you

After that day they finally found out about the dating that was going on behind there backs.

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