Love Story Between two demi gods ( Cal X Mario) Olympus

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Im not alone

Requested by shawdythepanda

Cal believe that he was the only one who had a hard time getting to camp and knowing things in camp.

He still couldn't believe that he is the only one in camp who didn't know there own parent. He didn't even know where to start.

It felt hopeless to him but ricarro kinda gave him hope that his parent is more close to him then he thinks. After the talk with ricarro about it he went for a walk to clear his mind on things.

Cal Mind- I still can't believe that I still don't know who is my parent. I know it have to be my dad at least and I know that he been keeping an eye on me from the sky's but that doesn't help me a lot.

While thinking cal ran into someone that will change his life for ever.

Cal- Ow sorry man

Mario- Its ok here let me help you up

When cal got a good look at the person he started to blush a little knowing that he looks hot.

Cal- Umm by the way my name is cal

Mario- Oh my name is mario nice to meet you

Cal- Ya you too

Mario- So why were your head up in the clouds

Cal- Oh will you see I don't know who my parent is and I was trying to think who it could be

Mario- Oh really I remember that happening for me last year

Cal- Wait really!?

Mario- Why yes. If you ask around people could tell you that similar things have happen to them

Cal- That great to here. So who is your parent

Mario- I kinda wish it was someone else but its zeus

Cal- Really!?

Mario- Yes I know its a little bit shocking but still

Cal- I see will then no matter what happens I will be here for you mario ok

Mario- Thanks cal and no matter what happens to you I will try my best to help you out ok

Cal- Ok thanks mario

After that they started to hug it out. Cal didn't want to let go of the boy but sadly it had to end. They did stay there goodbyes but as soon as cal got into his room he started to blush hard on the big things that happen today for him

Cal Mind- I can't believe that happen but I just want him to know that even if its hard I want to be by his side so I will try my best and never loose hope for anyone state.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now