Love Story between a leader & an Actor (Pat X Xylo) OrginZ PT. 2

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You came back stronger than ever

After Xylo died the coronal haven't taken it very well. He have been drinking more and killing more but soon an idea came to mind.

When night fall hit the coronal sneak into Ritchie room and stole some of his blood. Next he took his cure and some other liquid that he had and took it with him. He soon went to Xylo grave and drag his body to his lab. Soon the coronal work day and night until he had three things right in front of him. One of them was a zombie plate that would turn him into a half zombie. He inject that one in Xylo and soon something started to happen. His body soon started changing and moving until he open his eye's.

Xylo- Ugh my head. Wait this isn't heaven anymore. Where am I?

Pat- don't worry Xylo your here with me

Xylo- Pat? Is that you? I thought I wouldn't

Pat- See you again? Ya I had the same feeling but right now your a half zombie but when I am done with you your going to be stronger and normal again

Xylo- Really?

Pat- Really

Pat soon inject the next thing inside of him. It was the cure then after he inject it inside him he injected something else in him too. Soon his body started acting weird and he soon pass out.

Pat Mind- The pain must be so bad for him. Don't worry Xylo I got your back and no matter what happen I will not let anyone touch you again like they did.

*Few days past*

Pat have been acting weird to everyone. When Xylo was resting pat have been ordering everyone to not go to is office for a while and if they need to talk to him they need to wait. Richie and the doc new something was going on after all they believe that the coronal have something to do with someone taking his blood. When everyone left nick was following orders to not let anyone see the coronal.

*At the door*

Nick- Stay right their

Doc- Nick we need to see the coronal

Nick- Sorry Doc but you and that zombie of yours have to wait

Ritchie- Hey I'm my own person

Nick- and if it was up to me you would be dead but the coronal wants you alive so I have to follow that order.

Doc- *Sigh* Nick can you hear us out first pls

Nick- Fine

Ritchie - A few nights ago someone took some of my blood while I was sleeping. Who ever have that blood can turn themselves or even other people to what I am.

Doc- And we believe that the coronal have something to do with it.

Nick- The coronal!? I don't think it would be him ok so move along

*While that happen down stares up stares we go*

While the whole fighting thing was happening down stares the coronal have been keeping an eye on Xylo making sure he was breathing and everything. Soon be fell asleep right next to Xylo side. Xylo woke up to see the one that he loves sleeping right next to him. Xylo felt a sore when he got up and let out a cry. He soon felt two hands pushing him back down on the bed. It was pat

Pat- How are you feeling?

Xylo- I'm in a lot of pain but other than that I'm good.

Pat- That's good to hear

Xylo- It seems the cure work.

Pat- It did and I'm glad it did. If it didn't work I would have a half zombie with their twice time his strength

Xylo- Ya. Hey I have a question?

Pat- What's your question?

Xylo- You injected me with three things than two. Can you tell me what was the third thing?

Pat- *sigh* that was an inject for you to keep that zombie rage on you

Xylo- Wait WHAT!?

Pat- don't worry it's not like the rage that Richie have. You can control this

Xylo- That's good

Pat- But you might have some problems with your speed and strength for a few days and not only that your eye color can change too like a zombie

Xylo- Pat why?

Pat- I don't want you to die ok and this kinda make it for you not to

Xylo- Can you try to explain a little more about this pls

After some time the coronal telling Xylo what he had Xylo started to understand it more and thinks that this shouldn't be a problem as long as I learn how to use it

After a while of them talking Xylo heard some people getting up stares so he hid under the coronal desk while he tries to deal with this

Doc- I think it's time for you to do some talking ok?

Pat- About what

Ritchie - We know it's you. Your the one who took my blood. I can smell you all over my room

Pat- What no it wasn't me but you two better tell me who did it when you find out who

Doc- Don't act stupid we know it's you ok so tell us the truth

Pat- I am

Ritchie - This is making me a little mad right now so tell me the truth.

Pat - I I

While this was happening Xylo started brewing mad by the second. He can tell that Ritchie was going to go rage mode on his mate and he was not going to let that happen.

Soon in a second Ritchie did went in rage mode and grad the coronal neck but at the same time Xylo came from out of pats desk and was in his rage mode too. His eyes were back and purple and he grad Richie hand which made him let go of the coronal

Ritchie - Xylo? Is that you

Xylo- I'm sorry for about what I'm going to do

Right before Ritchie can say anything Xylo launch Ritchie across the room into the wall making him hit his head

Xylo- Don't touch the coronal like that again

Xylo soon help pat up from the ground and now their standing side to side

Doc- I knew it. You use Ritchie blood to bring Xylo back and now he is a half zombie

Xylo- That's half true

Richie- Then what is the truth? I really like to hear it.

Xylo and pat explained what happen and that made the doc mad

Doc- You were making the cure and you didn't oh I don't know tell me

Pat- If I told you you were just going to give up on it

Ritchie - Then you have the cure to stop this

Pat- Not anymore. The stuff I use for the cure is gone. Their are other ways to make a cure but I don't know those other ways.

Doc- I see. So when I have gotten the cure you were going to test it out on how long and how good it would work.

Xylo- That's right

Pat- and I don't want to hear anything out of you. If people ask you guys say he is a half zombie now but a weaker and more human kind ok

Ritchie - Fine but you soon have to tell the world about this

Pat- Oh believe me I will

After that day everyone was told Xylo was alive again but this time he is a half zombie. Xylo got use to his new found power and like being a human zombie but he does have that zombies go after him still. If a zombie scratches him or hurt him pretty badly it would heal up fast and act like nothing happen

Pat and Xylo relationship got closer and I mean very close. They didn't want to leave their sides for a while now. So for now their waiting to fine more things to fine a cure and Xylo have been getting more powerful and stronger by the second. With his boyfriend by his side they can take on the world together.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now