Love Story between a demon and a werewolf (Xylo X Micheal) Supernatural

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The Deal

Requested Alphawolf00001

Xylo was helping out the pack in his own way when he randomly past out. Everyone saw this and ran to Xylo aid.

Mario- What going on here?

Bryan- We don't know one minute Xylo completely find them the next minute he just past out.

Brick- Yes that true

Mario- I see will then let's take him to retartie she might know what's wrong with him

While Mario and the others were taking Xylo to retartie Xylo was in a black room where there was nothing.

Xylo- Hello?

???-Mmm it's been some time haven't it?

Xylo- Come out who are you

???-You don't remember me? Here let me show you

Soon Micheal appear out of know where. Xylo knew that the devil was evil but he always had a crush on the dude. He always wanted to be with him in the underworld but of course the alpha would make sure that doesn't happen

Xylo- What do you want?

Micheal- Aww look at the cute pup all chan up like a dog

Xylo- Don't call me cute

Micheal- But it seems you like when I call you sure after all your tail is wagging

Xylo- Shut up now what do you want? You wouldn't just appear to anyone unless you want something

Micheal - Oh your so smart my Xylo boy will if you must know I want you

Xylo- Wha-

Micheal- You see I fell in love with you at the moment we met but I knew that problems would happen if I did stay so I had to keep it hidden but now scents your here I can do what I always wanted

Soon Micheal went up to Xylo and kiss him making Xylo tail was more. Micheal knew that Xylo had a crush on him and he wanted to do more to his puppy but sadly time was running out so he made a deal with xylo.

Micheal- Its seems that time is running short so let's make a deal

Xylo- Really what I'm it for me?

Micheal- The Deal is that if you become my mate and no one's else's I will leave all your friends alone and even warn them for up coming dangers that are ahead does that seem good to you

Xylo knew that if he didn't take the deal he wouldn't have his chance with the devil and worse he could cause harm if he returns to he made the deal with him.

When Xylo woke up finally everyone was so happy to see him now knowing that he not dead and even he stated working the next day but every night he would always visit the devil and do what they always wanted to do together like cuddle or even go on dates but when the day comes he always have to wait night time to see his lover again.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now