Love story between a god slayer & a demon slayer (Luke X Brandon) Fairytail

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The Sick demon slayer

For those who wonder Luke is Lucas. Luke is a small nick name I have for him.

At the guild hall Brandon and Richie was doing some paper work when brandon pass out out of no where onto the table.

Richie soon started shaking brandon a wake and end up checking him to see if he had a cold.

Richie saw how bad brandon cold was and started telling him that he need to go to bed

Richie- brandon you need to go to bed your sick

Brandon - I'm fine brother *cough* I just need some *coughing* water that's all

Richie soon had to use his power to teleport brandon to their house and force him to lay in bed.

Brandon look at Ritchie then said "fine I'm going to get some rest" Then he rest in his bed

*A few hours later*

Richie soon had to leave for the meeting but he was worry about his brother getting up so he went to the one person who brandon lesson to other than himself of course and that was boat.

Richie yelling his name - BOAT BOAT WHERE ARE YOU

Luke(boat)- I'm right here what do you need

Richie soon told him brandon is sick and that he need to go to a meeting

Richie ask luke can be watch him which he said sure.

Richie took luke to his house then left.

Luke- Will I just I have to check on brandon

Luke soon walk up the stares to only see brandon trying to get out of bed

Luke- brandon what are you doing you need rest

Lukes ran up to brandon pushing him down to his bread slowly not trying to hurt him.

Brandon -Luke why are you here

Like still pushing him down to the bed- Will your brother told me that your sick and I wanted to help you get better.

As soon as he was done putting brandon on the bed Brandon pull luke on the bed with him.

Luke- What are you doing

Brandon - I'm cold and I want to warm up
Pulling Luke under the covers with him

Luke- Brandon you know I'm mite get sick right

Brandon look at luke than smile

Brandon soon started holding luke and soon snuggling him

Brandon soon fell a sleep again with luke in his arms

Luke is just laying their asking himself what just happen and how am I going to get myself out of here.

Luke soon felt himself getting closer to brandon
Brandon is pulling himself closer to him.

*Few hours past*

Luke past out due to being worried about what Richie will think

Richie came home to fine Brandon holding luke and Luke fast asleep.

Richie walk up to Luke and shake him a wake

Richie whispering- What are you doing

Luke still tried but soon remembers and told Richie what happen

Luke whispered - do you think you can help me

Brandon soon hold Luke even closer to him

Richie soon wake up brandon so he can let go of Luke

Brandon- Morning brother

Richie- Morning can you let go of Luke for me pls

Brandon look at luke in his arms

Brandon became red in the face and let him go

Brandon- I'm so sorry Luke I didn't mean-

Luke- Its ok you didn't mean it

Luke head- Wish we can do that all the time but we can Brandon so I'm sorry

Ritchie - Feeling better Brandon

Brandon- Yep

Richie- Ok time to do some work

Luke- I think he still need to rest to make sure

Brandon look at luke with agreement

Brandon - I agree with that I don't want to get other sick

Luke- I think it's to late for that

Luke felt horrible Luke he wanted to throw up and felt sleepy

Richie and Brandon see this and Richie push him into Brandon

Richie- How about you two take care of yourselves and at some point I will return with some soup how about that

Brandon and Luke agree before Richie left

Brandon soon did the same thing again to Luke but this time he was trying to make Luke face turn red which it does before they went to sleep.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now