Love story between two demi gods (Ricarro X Momiji) Olympus

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Man Up Time

Requested by foxythepirate2o

A few days after the party ricarro can't stop thinking about momiji. He really didn't understand this emotion at all until bryan told him he was feeling love.

When ricarro was thinking about it more and more it made more scents. He really didn't know how to tell momiji and even if he told her she might not even feel the same way.

Momiji was feeling the same way. She didn't understand it at first because she is in love with a lot of men here but soon she started thinking and thinking and that is where she found out that she was in love with the cute little guy name ricarro so she went to xylo to learn more about him.

*Few more days later*

Ricarro had finally man up and ask momiji if she wanted to hang out at the bath house. Momiji agreed to it which made ricarro happy.

*Later that day*

Momiji and ricarro were the only one's there and was hanging out.

Ricarro- Have I told you that your ears are very fluffy

Momiji- Why thank you. I love your key on your neck. That makes me wonder what it opens

Ricarro- I can never take it off and I really don't know what it opens but I do know that it is called the infinity key

Momiji- That's interesting will then. Think its time for us to go after all its getting late.

Ricarro- Ya

When they were leaving momiji gave ricarro a kiss goodbye and when he went to sleep that night he was dreaming about that kiss

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