Love story between two demi gods (Bryan X Inpu) Olympus Pt: 2

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My Interest Of Bryan

Requested By DjfoxE & Wolfzun

After that day inpu have been having a nice interest in bryan. He wanted to learn more about bryan and understand everything. He wanted to be there for bryan and care for him when he need it.

*That night*

Inpu was reading some books while thinking of bryan when he felt danger a head of him. Inpu doesn't understand the danger but he does understand that he have to keep its guard up because the danger can happen at anytime and at any place.

*Next Day*

Inpu was thinking to himself about what he felt that night and he was scared about what could happen to him when someone name River came up to him to just talk. While talking to him inpu had catch on that river was telling him to stay away from bryan or else. When river left inpu was thinking to himself

After thinking for some time he now knows that he have to keep an eye on river to make sure nothing happens to anyone. He also thought that this won't stop him from seeing bryan.

*Few days later*

Inpu was hanging out with bryan for a little bit while the topic hit about his wings.

Inpu- umm bryan

Bryan- Ya

Inpu- Can I take a look at your wings pls?

Bryan- Umm Sure

*Inpu gots up to check his wings out*

When inpu started touching his wings it made bryan blush because his wings are sensitive to the touch. While touching them he was fascinated by everything. He was interested by everything.

Inpu- Wow your wings are very soft

Bryan- Th-thx

Inpu- There very strong too. You must be a really good flyer

Bryan- Y-ya I am

After a while bryan ask inpu if he wants to check his place out and he agree.

*At bryan place*

Inpu was amazing about everything that this place holds. He wanted to see everything and know everything about this place. When bryan ask him if he wants a tour of the place he agreed to it.

Inpu- Wow your place is amazing and so beautiful

Bryan- Thank you

After a while of inpu looking around and talking to bryan about a few things inpu ask if he had a library which he did.

When bryan took him to the books he was amaze about how many books that he had.

Inpu- Wow you have so many books

Bryan- Ya you see when I lock myself hear I did some reading to past the time

Inpu- You like reading?

Bryan- Ya I love to read some books to past some time

Inpu Mind- That's nice to know

Bryan- Do you want to do some reading?

Inpu- Ya you might be able to help me

Bryan- Really!?

Inpu- Ya you see I want to know more about this world in every way shape and form but there aren't many books at the camp that talks about it so can you help out?

Bryan- Of course

After a while of inpu and bryan reading together bryan trip and fell over. Inpu tried to help him but he felled too. They both close there eyes when they fall together and when they open there eyes. Inpu had fell right on top of bryan.

They both blush blood red from embarrassment.

Bryan- Umm inpu can you move your leg and get off of me pls

Inpu- Of course Of course

*Inpu gets up*

Inpu- Need a hand?

Bryan- Ya thinks

After that inpu had to go because he forgot that his sibling was waiting for him and that if he doesn't make it on time he going to pay the price. Bryan said his goodbyes and he left.

*In the background*

River Mind- No No No. That dog just grrr. First he touch my mans wings. Then he falls right on top of him. Im going to make him pay for this. Maybe I can teach him a lesson when the trails happens then he will get in his mind that bryan is not his but mine and only mine.

*At the camp*

Inpu Mind- So it seems river have been keeping an eye on bryan. Will then this had become more interesting than I thought. This is going to be fun.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now