Give Her Back

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Bri X Xylo

Origin Of Olympus

Requested by AnthonyFernandez789

It was a bright Beautiful day outside. Xylo was laying under a tree side minding his own business when he had a nightmare.

The Nightmares was about Bri turning into the monster that almost burn down the camp. She was crying for help on the inside while the demon from without was messing up everything.

When Xylo woke up he knew that dream ment something so he went to the island to see if Bri was ok. When he got there Xylo was surprised to see Bri with horns playing with the other demi gods.

Xylo- Bri?

D. Bri- Oh hello there

Collin- Oh hey Xylo why did you come to island?

Xylo- I had a dream and I wanted to see if Bri was ok

Seek- What was the dream about?

Xylo- You see from last time in camp Bri had a dark side and my dream was that her dark side to control and messing up everything that she love

Austin- Oh will you see it's Bri so there nothing to worry about

Xylo- Sure what up with the horns and her voice

Seek- Potion effects

Xylo- And did she said that or did you see

Collin- She told us that

Xylo- I see

D. Bri- Umm can I talk to Xylo alone pls

Everyone but xylo- of course

When everyone one left it was just Bri and Xylo

Xylo- I know it's you

D. Bri - I know but those idiots don't know that

Xylo- So why are you here?

D. Bri- Will you see seek trap Bri and she was getting a little tired so-

Xylo- I see do you want me to help out a little

D. Bri- That would be lovely. I don't like tricking everyone here and I don't want Bri being upset with me

After a while of talking her dark side was slowly letting go of bri. Soon her dark side started walking up to Xylo which made him step back. Soon the other saw this and made them jump out from hiding spot.

Collin- Bri? What are you doing?

D. Bri- Nothing Nothing at all but Xylo will be staying here until the potion effects wear off

Austin- Alright the be find by me

Seek- As long as you don't try anything buddy

Xylo- I would not

Soon a few hours have past and everyone was having a good time when Bri kinda past out. Everyone was shock at this but soon Xylo just told everyone that she must be tired and that the potion effects maybe Wearing off.

Austin- I gust your right

Xylo- Collin was it?

Collin- Yes?

Xylo- When Bri wake up can you give her this note pls

Seek- Why aren't you not staying?

Xylo- No she told you when the "potion effects" wear off I will be leaving and gust what there are

Austin- What does the note say?

Xylo- The note should the she need to be careful with potion more that all

Collin- Then I will be giving this to her

Xylo- That good to hear

When Xylo finally left when the out Bri to bed the horns and color of her wings have change back. Bri soon woke up and saw Collin right next to her.

Collin- Bri your awake

Bri- Yes what happen?

Collin- Oh will you were under the effects of a potion and Xylo came by to ask me to give this to you

*Hands her the note*

Bri- Why thank you

Collin - I should go now you need your rest.

When Collin left Bri open the note to see-

-Hey bro I should warn you to be careful next time. That side you have did cause a lot of problems and I don't want that to happen again. If you ever want to talk about it let me know I will tell you everything that I know about that day

Bri Mind- I might want to know now about the danger that she can do

After that she went to look at her window staring at the stars that were waiting for her to woken.

Bri Mind- No matter what happens at least I have someone there by my side for the better end

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now