Love Story between two demi gods (Mario X Bryan) Olympus

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It was a normal day out. Bryan was flying around and trying to get his thoughts all in order when he heard someone crying. He try to find out where it who it's coming from but he couldn't find out who do he went out his day but a little worry about the person who was cry.

When the next day came and Bryan was flying around he heard the crying again and again and again. Almost a week now and Bryan keeps hearing someone cry but he doesn't know where or who is crying until he found a spot in camp that no body really use. The place was in a forest like place and when Bryan was looking around he heard the crying.

Bryan knew this was going to be his only chance so he went to the noise. When he finally came to where the noise was at he was at he was shock to see Mario the son of Zeus sleeping with tears in his eyes.

Bryan Mind- Mario!? Was he the one I kept hearing but why is he crying in his sleep and why is he in the forest.

When Bryan walk up to Mario he tried to shake him awake but it did nothing. Finally when Bryan was about to give up Mario finally woke up shaking.

Bryan- Mario what happen? Are you ok?

When Mario turn to see Bryan he went I to bryan chest making the boy blush a little. Bryan knew what ever be been dreaming about must been trending and everything so he took Mario close to him and

Bryan- Mario what ever you been dreaming isn't here ok. Your safe now so don't worry

After a while of Bryan trying to calm down Mario he finally spoke for the first time.

Mario- Br-Bryan?

Bryan- Yes

Mario- I'm In I'm sorry for everything

Bryan- There no need to apologize it ok

Mario- I have been having these nightmares and they been getting worse and worse

Bryan- Did you tell kay?

Mario- That the thing Kay doesn't want anything to do with me right now. She kinda broke up with me almost a month ago and I have been having these nightmares for a while now before she did

Bryan- I am so sorry to hear that. Hey Mario why don't you come back at my place ok

Mario- I would love too

As soon as that happen Mario almost fell but Bryan catch him in time

Bryan Mind- Ooh he suffering come on let's go back to my place

*At Bryan place*

When he finally got to his place bryan Kay the boy down and sit right next to him while he sleep. After a few minutes past Bryan saw Mario having another nightmare

Bryan- Shh Shh it's ok Mario everything is ok your find

*Brings Mario into his arms*

Bryan- Shh it's ok it's ok

Soon after that Mario have finally stop shaking and Bryan knew that it was getting late. Bryan went in to bed holding Mario close to him making sure that he knows that everything is alright and that he doesn't need to worry at all.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now