Love Story Bewteen two demi Gods ( Bryan & Ricarro) Olympus

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Mind Of The Past

Requested by Monokumafan226

Bryan was stressing out about what had happen to him in the past. Even through xylo did forgive him he still have a long way to go.

Bryan was flying to keep his mind off of it.

Ricarro was skipping around when he saw someone flying in the sky. He wanted to know more about that person so when he had landed by the docs he went to check them out.

Bryan Mind- Why do I feel like I am missing something in my life

Ricarro- Hello there

Bryan- Ahhh. Wait ricarro is that you

Ricarro- Yes it is. Hey how do you know my name?

Bryan- You don't remember?

Ricarro- Oh Ya your the person that I met at the party. Wait are you ok?

Bryan- Oh just thinking about the horrible things I did in the past

Ricarro- Oh. Will don't think about those things after all your trying to change now right

Bryan- Ya?

Ricarro- Look Bryan if you ever need me let me know I will be there for you no matter what

Bryan- Thx ricarro

*Few days past*

Ricarro have not seen bryan at camp and he have been getting worry. He ask his dad where have have gone and he told him the location of bryan. Xylo also gave him his horse so he can get there to see what's wrong.

*At the place*

When ricarro came to his place have a weird feeling like he is being watch. He really doesn't understand why but he really didn't care.

When he went inside he heard bryan crying to he went to cheer him up.

Ricarro- Bryan?

Bryan- Oh ricarro how did you found me?

Ricarro- Xydad told me where you were at and he even let me use his horse to get here

Bryan- Oh

Ricarro- What's wrong? Is it about your past at the doc's?

Bryan- Will ya. I can't stop thinking about it

Ricarro- Shh ricarro is here to making all better now

Bryan- Thank you ricarro

Ricarro- Anytime uncle

They soon hug and was setting by each other. Ricarro was laying on bryan and was talking with him and it made bryan kinda happy

*In the background*

River was watching this whole thing happening. At first that he was getting mad but then he felt better when ricarro said uncle. He now knows that ricarro won't take his love away from him.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now