A Day To Chill

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Celestial High

Davis X Brandon

Requested by NyaNyaCatGamer

It was just another day in the high school. While Ritchie and Lucas tried to find ways to leave the school davis and brandon where playing video games.

After a while of playing Ritchie and Lucas came it.

Ritchie- Guys stop laying around and start thinking we need to find a way out of here

Davis- I know but we had a long week

Brandon- Ya can we just relax for the day and start working tomorrow plz

Lucas- I don't see a problem with that do you

Ritchie- Yes I do

Davis- Find if you want to find a way out why don't you take lucas and try to think of ways. Brandon and I had a long day yesterday and we just want to relax so goodbye

Ritchie- Find come on lucas

Lucas- Ok just give me a sec

When ritchie leave the room lucas turn to davis and Brandon

Lucas- You guys jist want to relax for the day

Brandon- Yes but ritchie may just stop us

Lucas- Ok find I will try my best to keep ritchie off your trail

Davis- Thank you

After that lucas left and the other two started playing there games again.

When some time past they got bored but when davis turn to brandon to see what he was doing he blush a little when he saw Brandon trying to change his shirt

Soon as brandon was done he turn to davis who was looking at him which made him a little red.

Brandon Mind- I hope he didn't see

Brandon- Hey davis why don't you get dress and we go get something to eat but pls don't eat any fish

Davis- Of course

After davis was change (Yes Brandon was watching and did the same things as davis did) they headed to the lunch room to get some stuff.

Davis- What are you going to get?

Brandon- Mm not sure yet

Davis- How about we get some noodles

Brandon- Ya that seems as a good idea.

When they as for two bowls of noodles they only got one because that was the last bowl that they had.

Davis- Hey Brandon you can have this bowl I can order something else

Brandon- What no you get the bowl its find

After a while of back and forth soon davis yell something that made both of them blush.


Brandon- Wh- wait what!?

Davis- Ye-ya why don't we do that

Brandon- I gust that could work

After that they started to share the bowl of noodles. While eating the bowl there was this one noodle that they both where sharing (Your know where I'm going with this) and they may have kiss making both of them blush hard.

Brandon- I'm so sorry

Davis- No I should be the one that sorry

Brandon- Why don't we just go back to are rooms ok

Davis- O-ok

While they were heading back each one of them notice that the other person face was blushing hard red. When they got to the rooms davis took Brandon to his room and shut the door locking it.

Brandon- Davis what was that?

Davis- I want to ask you something ok

Brandon- And that is?

Davis- Do you have a crush on me?

As soon as davis said that he saw brandon face turn even reder and turn around

When dais saw this he knew his answer. He started walking closer to brandon. When brandon turn around davis put his hand on his cheek and kiss him.

This made Brandon kiss back not even believing that the man that he love loved him back. After a while of kissing someone knock on the door. Even through someone was at the door they didn't care and was still kissing. After a while again another knock at the door but this time it was harder.

Davis and Brandon was kinda mad but what can they do. They stop kiss and whisper to themselves to keep this on the lay low.

When davis finally open the door they saw a angry ritchie and lucas was not around.

Davis- Hi ritchie where Lucas?

Ritchie- Oh will you see lucas and I were reading some book when a shelf almost fell on me but lucas push me out of the way and he was hit.

Brandon- Is lucas ok?

Ritchie- Yes sadly he find. He in his room taking a nap. He really hit his head pretty hard and I just want to go to sleep so can Brandon just leave pls.

Brandon- Find I go

Before Brandon left he gave davis a note and when to his room. Ritchie went strate to bed while davis open the note.

-Today was fun hopefully we can do this again soon

Davis Mind- Don't worry as long as lucas did what he did today again I have a feeling we will be hanging out a lot more.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now