Love story between demi gods ( Xylo X Magnus) Olympus

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Stay With You

Requested by M9BenX

After everything was fix with the book and then with the being a ferro of the underworld things were looking up for magnus and inpu but there was one thing that was missing.

When ever inpu was with bryan magnus would feel upset and jealous. They would just leave which sometimes make inpu worry about them until one night magnus and inpu had a fight and they ran off.

After a while of running magnus saw someone that they didn't even expect to see so late.

They saw xylo looking at the stars thinking to himself.

Magnus Mind- Why is xylo here?

That is when they started walking up to him until he turn around to see them and turn away.

Xylo- Oh Hey Magnus why are you ok here so late?

Magnus- I can ask you the same thing

Xylo- Well I was thinking to myself about what my father have been hiding from me and why he doesn't want he to find my mother that all

Magnus- Oh

Xylo- Now why are you out here magnus?

Magnus- Me and inpu got into a fight. I don't want to return home

Xylo- Oh was the fight that bad?

Magnus- Yes it was

Xylo- I see but where are you going to sleep

Magnus- Wait why don't I sleep with you for the night pls?

Xylo- *sigh* you sure you want to do that?

Magnus- Yes I just don't want to return back home for just tonight pls?

Xylo- Fine but I have to let you know lee won't be at the cabin for the night because she at a party so its just going to be you and me there

Magnus- that fine

That is when they went back to the cabin where xylo laid down in his bed while magnus sit right next to him.

Magnus- Xylo?

Xylo- Yes?

Magnus- Can I sleep with you pls?

Xylo- Umm sure why not

That is when magnus grab xylo and rap her tails around xylo holding him really close to them.

Xylo realise that he was put into a trap but he didn't care and that night they both slept together.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now