Love story between A fire mage and a god slayer (Kit X Luke) Fairytail

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Are amazing Quest

Requested by KarlaMMelndezNegrn

For those who wonder Luke is Lucas. Luke is a small nick name I have for him.

It was a normal day at the guild hall. Dave was wanted to go on a quest but ritchie and brandon have training for him so he really can't go but that doesn't mean someone else can't go.

Dave- Luke can you do something for me pls

Luke- *sigh* What is it?

Dave- Can you do this quest for me pls

When luke got a good look at the quest he release that he need more than just himself.

Luke- You see I would love too

Dave- Great You see the house need to be pay so we kinda need money for that

Luke- Oh I see will then don't worry about it

Dave- Thanks

When david left luke was thinking to himself when kit came threw the door

Kit- Oh hi luke

Luke- Hi how are you?

Kit- I'm good but how are you? You seem like something is bugging you

Luke- Will I have too take a quest and it seems it would be better if I were to take someone with me but I don't know who

Kit- Take me pls

Luke- What!?

Kit- Mario doesn't let me do anything unless someone is with me so I want you to watch me while we do this quest

Luke- Ok then let's go

Kit- YAY

Both Mind- I can't believe I get to hang out with the person that I love

*Few hours later*

When they got to the place it was getting pretty late so they ask around if there was a inn that they can stay at which they did.

*At the inn*

When they get into there room there was only one bed.

Luke & Kit- Oh no there one bed

Luke- Umm you can get the bed I will sleep on the floor

Kit- No you get the bed I get the floor

Luke- Oh no no no you get the bed I get

Kit- No I get the floor you get the bed

Soon they started fighting about this until kit finally said that they should share the bed which made both of them blush.

Luke- You sure?

Kit- Yes I'm sure

Luke- O-ok

After when night fall hit the both share a bed. When they both fall asleep kit was holding luke close which made luke blush a lot.

Luke Mind- Mario is going to kill me if he finds out about this. But maybe it worth every pain that's coming my way.

When the next day happen Luke was holding out close and kit was doing the same thing. When Luke woke up first he saw kit holding him close and he really didn't know what to do.

Luke- Oh no pls wake up pls wake up

Kit- *Yawn* morning Luke

Luke- Morning do you mind letting me go pls

When Luke said that I made out blush hard.

Kit- Of course I'm so sorry

Luke- Its ok but we have a mission to do

Kit- Right

After they were done with the mission they were kinda mad because pretty much the mission that they gotten was nothing at all. They did get there money but boi were they mad.

When they got back Mario was mad at luke for not telling him anything but lot soon broke up the fight fast and soon in the back at both of there minds they were thinking about that night at the inn.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now