A Day With The Bros

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Ricarro, Davis, Lychee, & Cal

Origins Of Olympus

Requested by MyOrigins

It was a normal day like the rest. Ricarro was sings some songs while in the other room cal was lessening to some of his favorite songs when the bros walk in.

Davis- So lychee are you ready for the day after all you Ricarro and I are all going to hang out today

Lychee- Ya this is going to be so fun

When they walk into Ricarro room they both saw Ricarro singing Born For This written by The Score. When the song was finish Ricarro turn to see both lychee and davis just standing there starring.

Ricarro- Oh hi bros I didn't know you were here I would of just stop sorry about that

Davis- Hey there no need to apologize ok

Ricarro- Ok but why are you here?

Lychee- Will Davis want all of us to hang out today so are you in?

Ricarro- Of course I'm in Come on let's go

Soon they started to do there own bro thing. They all went out to eat, watch a movie and just had a fun time but when they got back to the egyptian side they saw something that made them all worry.

They saw cal on the floor with his needs out on the ground. It look like he was holding a glass cup because there was glass on the floor.

Ricarro - Oh my goes cal are you ok

Lychee- Ricarro I don't think it's safe for you to touch hi-

Before lychee could even fish is Ricarro touch lychee and that is when he saw it. Ricarro right eye turn white and saw Davis dead on the ground and some shadow dude just standing there before going away.

When the whole past thing stoped Ricarro started crying and ran into his room shutting the door behind him

Davis- Cal you ok? Also why did Ricarro just ran into his room crying?

Cal- Will I was having one of my moments Davis and I just thing Ricarro saw what I saw so right now I have to go make sure Ricarro is calm down now

Lychee- Hey let us help ok?

Cal- Ok

When Cal, Davis, and Lychee came into the room they saw Ricarro crying in his bed. All three of them told Ricarro is that everything is fine and that nothing is going to happen to Davis and anything. They stayed with Ricarro until he past out. Cal made sure Ricarro was ok while the other two left because it was getting late and they had a long day of fun. Soon that night became one day of remembering.

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