The Tables Have Turn

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Origins Of Olympus

Requested By MitsukiKami

It's been a few days when Mario sword have been shattering into pieces. Mario have tired to ask for help but sadly no one could help him.

Then it stared Mario started to have these dreams about a demon. This demon was powerful in every way. Mario grew jealous because of the power it hold. The more he saw this demon the more angry he bottom until one day he had enough and started yelling at the demon to show it's true self.

The demon had never shown his true self so Mario have been training and fighting and even started throwing his old life away. Kay and Xylo saw something was wrong. When they ask Mario what's on his mind he always said that I just need to grow stronger and powerful in any way he can.

*Few days later*

Xylo and kay started to get worry. They didn't know what to do so they ask the one person who might have an idea on what's going on and that person was bryan. When telling Bryan about what is happening with mario Bryan just had a look of fear.

Bryan- So your saying that Mario have been.kinda throwing his friends and life away to get more power?

Xylo- Ya and scents you kinda went threw that yourself I wanted to know if you had an idea on what is going on

Kay- Ya are you the one who is doing this to Mario bryan?

Bryan- What no. Why would you think that?

Xylo- Ya Bryan hated what he did in the past and he is trying to change so why are you thinking he is the one doing this to him

Kay- I don't know but its just a feeling ok. I know bryan would of done something like this in the past

Xylo- Maybe but that in the past ok. Right now we are moving forward in the future

Bryan- Ya I'm trying to change ok

Kay- Ok ok sorry but do you have an idea on why he is acting like this?

Bryan- The only reason why I had acted that way was because of my sword and then I started changing back. It could be an item that mario haves that could be changing him or it could be a curse or even a potion.

Xylo- You really don't know why mario is acting like this but you think its an item like your sword

Bryan- It could be possible but at the same time it could be something else. Do you have any idea on what day it started to happen or what he had told you guys

Kay- No I really don't know and what he have told me is nothing

Xylo- Mmm oh no ohh no

Bryan- What? Do you remember something that he had told you

Xylo- Ya I do but I made a promise not to tell anyone

Kay- But xylo this is kinda important don't you think?

Xylo- Find but you have to promise not to tell him anything of this ok. I don't want to be yelled at by mario specialty when he is acting like this ok?

Bryan- I promise

Kay- Fine I promise

Xylo- So he did told me that something is wrong with his sword

Kay- I knew something was wrong with his sword but he told me that its all fine. Why did he lie?

Xylo- To keep you from worrying but anyway his sword is shattering into pieces

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now