Time To Split

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Bryan X Inpu

Evil Bryan X River

Origin Of Olympic

Requested by WolfbeGaming

Bryan was doing his normal thing about talking to Inpu and having a great time with his boyfriend when his best friend jyles came out of the front door.

Jyles- Oh hello there Bryan I didn't know you have gust here

Bryan- Why yes I was hanging out with my boyfriend and everything

Inpu- I don't think we met before have we?

Jyles- Oh no we haven't but anyways I need to talk to Bryan alone and then after that I will leave you two alone ok

Bryan- Will sure I don't see a problem with that

Inpu - I will be waiting right here for you when your ready

Bryan- Ok

*With Bryan and jyles*

Jyles- Ok now scents we are alone I wanted to talk to you about something

Just then something soon to glow in jyles pocket

Bryan- Umm jyles what is glowing in your pocket

Jyles- Oh this I promise a friend that I would hold on to it but he never told me that it would glow

Just then a huge blast of purple light came out of jyles pocket and blind the both of them

When jyles could see again he saw Bryan his best friend on the floor and his evil self standing right in front of him.

E. Bryan- Will Will Will Its been so long scents I have been free

Jyles Mind- Oh dear not him again

E. Bryan- I would like to thank you for this amazing thing but sadly I think it's time for you to go

Jyles- What do you mean darling?

E. Bryan- I have plans and sadly you won't be around to see them

Jyles- No I will not be letting that happen to me again

E.Bryan- Mmm but I do have things to do places to see so I will just leave you here for now bye bye now

That is when the evil side of Bryan flew out of him home and at the direction of where camp is.

Jyles Mind- I hope he doesn't cause to much trouble because what he doesn't know is that he doesn't have a lot of time when he put of his body. He soon would be going back in there by his own needs or by force

Just then Bryan woke up and look at jyles with a angry face.

Bryan - Jyles what did you do? I would not be on the floor unless you did something

Jyles Mind- Oh no

*With evil bryan*

Evil Bryan was looking around at the new camp and everything when he saw someone walking down a bridge way.

E. Bryan Mind- Mmm who is that. He seems familiar let's go and see

River was walking down the bridge trying to mind his own business when someone grad him and flew him away to the open. River couldn't tell who it was until he saw put on a roof of one of the cabins. When he turn around and he saw Bryan but not him at all.

E. Bryan- Oh look who it is. It's river that why you look so familiar to me

River- Who are you?

E. Bryan- Did you hit your head or something it's me Bryan

River- I can see that but your not Bryan so who are you

E. Bryan- Ooo I don't know why my good self didn't fall for you will anyway I am Bryan but I am his dark side that Bryan would say

River- So your the one who did all the damage

E. Bryan- Yes I take all the credit for the damage that I done

River- I see but why did you do it?

E. Bryan- Will you see I did it because I wanted power and I mean lots of power. I thought letting the titans go and trying to control them would make me the most powerful person in the world but soon that Mario person stop my plans for doing that but that's enough of that I want to give you something

That is when bryan walk up to river and have him a kiss on the lips. With the feeling the river still holds inside for Bryan his kids back and really didn't want this whole thing to end but sadly the time they had was up.

After that kids evil Bryan soon started to fade away

River- What happening to you?

E. Bryan- It seems that the time that I thought I had is ending right now but don't worry I will return someday and take you away with me no matter what the cost is.

Soon the evil side of Bryan disappear into thin air and the particles of his body went to return back to the normal bryan.

Jyles didn't say anything to Bryan but when he was making out with Inpu the particles of his evil self flew right back into him and no one didn't even seen it.

After that day river was so confused on what just happen and that would be ever return to hurt him or make him his king like he tried to do with Jakey long ago.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now