Love story between two demi gods (Xylo X Lee) Olympus

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The Aftermath

Requested by Xygnuss

After xylo was able to break free from his chains that his own father left him for almost a full year he wanted to hang out with some friends and even try to live a normal life once again.

When he started to have a normal life he started to hang out with his roommate for a while. Even though xylo didn't think anything of it they started to get close pretty fast scents it seems lee and him are alone together a lot.

When Kayla and Mario start to here about this they couldn't just set there and know that xylo may have a great chance to start dating again.

Even though xylo kept telling them that Lee is just a friend nothing else but Kayla and Mario can clearly see that xylo doesn't really mean that.

Kayla- Xylo come on you have to ask her out. Its been months and I know that you want to ask her out I can just tell

Mario- Ya we know that you have bad experiences with dating but we both can tell you really do like her and want to be with her

Xylo- Maybe that true. She been with me threw everything and I would love to be with a beautiful girl like that but I don't think she will love me

Kayla- No I bet she does you been with her for so long

Xylo- Ya that true

Mario- And she would be an idiot if you didn't love you

Xylo- Ok Ok I'll ask her out but if she said no I will be upset

Kayla- We know she won't say no

After that xylo did ask her out and to his surprising face she said yes. After that they became boyfriend and girlfriend and had the most fun out of everything. Kayla and Mario tees from time to time but if they ever tees xylo would tees about there relationship making them laugh about that later.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now