Love story between two demi gods (Solis X Inpu) Olympus

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Hard Time To Sleep

Solis (Mitch)

Inpu (Pat)

During the few days at camp solis have been having these nightmares and been have a hard time going back to sleep soon inpu found out about this and soon kept an eye on solis

*Next Day*

Solis- hi *yawn* everyone

Ricarro- You look tired

Inpu- Ya I think you need to go back to bed

Solis- But I can't

Ricarro- Sure you can

Solis- No you don't get it I been having a hard time sleeping so ya

Inpu- No your going to bed

Inpu grad solis hand and they both went to solis room

Inpu but solis to bed covering him with blankets and making sure he have a good rest

Inpu- you stay here I will be just down stares ok

*Inpu leaves the room*

After a few min while Inpu was trying to read his book he soon hurd screaming from his room and went to check it out. When he got there she saw solis asleep with tears in his eyes. Inpu scream and yelled at solis shaking him and everything but he couldn't wake up. Soon when inpu was about to get a bucket of water for his last resort to wake him up, solis woke up out of his dream shaking and crying. Inpu didn't like seeing solis like this so he went onto his bed and started telling him everything is going to be find

Inpu was hugging solis rubbing circles on his back trying to make him feel better. After a while solis had stop crying and was hugging inpu

Inpu- solis you feeling better

Solis- Ya

Inpu- Ok then will I'm going to stay in your room for a little bit while you go back to sleep ok

Solis- Ok

When solis went back to sleep inpu was in the room and not even after a few seconds after solis went back to sleep he started to have a nightmare again

Inpu got close to solis and started rubbing his back making him feel better. Then when that was happening soils pull inpu into bed with him holding him tight on his chest

Inpu Mind- Ok Ok Ok calm down its nothing all I need is to wake solis and I can be free

*Inpu look at solis face*

Inpu mind- It seems him holding me make him feel better so I gust I can sleep with you tonight

*Trying to hide the fact that he loves solis*

*Next morning*

solis woke up to see inpu into his arms he was scared that he was going to be hit by the book but he wasn't and they soon act like nothing happen even through deep down in both of there hearts they love each other very much

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