Love Story between two demi gods (Mario X Davis) Olympus Pt: 2

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Beach Day

Requested by shawdythepanda

After that day mario and davis started dating but they kept it a secret.

*Few Weeks Later*

Davis and mario was in davis room watching a movie together when someone knock on there door.

Mario- I will get it

Davis-No let me get it ok

Mario- Ok then find

When Davis open the door he saw lychee, cal, and ricarro at his door.

Davis- Oh umm hello there

Lychee- Hi davis do you want to go to the paradise land. We were going to get some people and go to the beaches there

Davis- Oh umm sure

Ricarro- Ok great meet us at the docs waiting ok

Davis- Ok then meet you guys later

When davis close the door mario walk up to davis and gave him a kiss on his cheek

Mario- So we are going to the beach with some of the boys

Davis- Yup lets go get ready ok

Mario- Ok

*Few hours later*

When mario and davis arrive to the spot they saw a group of people waiting there.

They saw xylo, Bryan, inpu, cal, ricarro, lychee, moto moto, ned and mckale all waiting there

Cal- What took you so long?

Davis- I had to get some of my stuff that's why

Moto- So you got everything bro

Davis- Yup

Xylo- Didn't think you would come mario after the whole break up that happen

Mario- No No No I am moving on and everything ok and I want to spend some time with my friends


Mckale- Ok now scents everyone is ready lets go

*At the island*

Austin, Seek, Bri, and Collin were happy to see a huge group of people that made it to the party.

After a while davis and mario went swimming together away from everyone else so they can get some a lone time.

After a while of them swimming together mario and davis was heading back when mario trip on something and fell in davis arms.

This made davis blush hard but soon help him got back to shore

Moto- What happen back there man you look kinda red

Davis- Oh will I went swimming with one of my bro mario and when we were swimming back mario trip on something and fell-

Moto- Oh I get it bro

Davis- Ya bro but anyway got anything to tell

When davis and moto moto was talking over there mario went to sit down. That is when xylo came up to the boi

Xylo- You ok?

Mario- Ya im find

Xylo- So how long have you and davis been dating

Mario- Wait what you knew

Xylo- Of course I knew your my best friend

Mario- For a few weeks now

Xylo- That's amazing. Oh umm hey why don't I do something nice for you and davis ok

Mario- Oh umm sure

After that when the beach party ended and everyone was going home xylo went to talk to austin and bri about something and then xylo came up to them.

Xylo- Hey davis, Mario I got a surprise for you

Davis- Really bro?

Xylo- Yes I got both a you a cabin and not only that you can have some fun here too

Mario- Wait you did this for us

Xylo- Of course I did

Mario- I need to pay you back for this

Xylo- No need

Davis- Ya mario come on its getting late and I want to you know cuddle you

*Mario blush hard when davis said that*

Mario- Oh umm

Davis- Come on

That is where davis grad mario hand and drag him away from xylo

Xylo- You two have fun

Davis- Oh don't worry we will

After that davis and mario went to there cabin and slept there the rest of the night. Davis was holding mario close to him and mario was playing with his hair a little before they went to sleep together for the rest of the night.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now