Love story between Slayers & a mage (Allumos X Marshie X Kit) Fairytail

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Date Night

Requested by LogiBear24

The day that kit, Marshie, and Allumos got together was one of the most happy days of there lives. They all loved each other dearly and would do anything for each other.

Even though the three started dating they wanted to have there first date to be very Special so they all agree that each one of them would have a part in the date.

*Few days later*

Allumos- Today is the day that me marshie and kit are going to go on are official first date

Pat- that great to hear just still surprised that you are dating anyone right now mere in mind two people

Allumos- Hey

Pat- am I wrong?

Allumos- I gust your not but still that hurt a little

Pat- What ever just go on your date

After that allumos took the two young lady's to a fancy restaurant where they all dress amazingly beautifully.

Kit had a fiery like phoenix dress on and even the feather in her hair match the dress.

Marshie was wearing a purple like violet dress with flowers blooming right out of it


Allumos was wearing something very different as well. He was wearing a Galaxy like suit and tie making him look super fancy.

After going to the fancy restaurant marshie took them to the ice cream shop on where it all started for dessert. They all in joyed there ice creams and even started talking about how beautiful the night was.

Then came kits time to shine. She took the two an open place where a lot of flowers and plants were growing all around. There was a picnic blanket on the beautiful bright grass and fireflies were flying everywhere making the place look more amazing then what is was.

The three laid on the picnic looking up at the star before turning to one another.

Marshie- this was an amazing night

Kit- I can agree with that

Allumos- That because the love of are lives are here together

Marshie- I can agree with that

Soon Marshie and kit look at each other smile then got up and both ait right next to allumos. They both kiss allumos on the cheeks at the same time making the boy blush.

Allumos- Oh um what was that for?

Kit-Ain't it obvious

Marshie- We love you allumos

Allumos- Oh umm I love you guys too

Before kiss them on the forehead

After that they both head to gremshade where kit said her goodbyes kissing on marshie and allumos cheek before leaving making the two wave

Allumos- We will see you too

Marshie- Don't be a stranger

Kit- Of course not anyways bye guys

And that night everyone started dreaming about the amazing date that they had together.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now