The Love Story between An Actor & A Zombie (Xylo x Ritchie) OriginZ PT: 1

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When we were all walking to the safe heaven Xylo saw Ritchie a little down so when everyone had to make camp xylo took Richie aside and started talking with him.

Xylo- What's wrong Ritchie

Richie- Nothing wrong I don't know what you are talking about.

Xylo can tell that Ritchie was lie-ing but he didn't want to push Ritchie to tell him so he left him be

That night Ritchie was crying in his sleep.
Xylo work up hearing his tears and soon ran up to him

Xylo shake Ritchie awake and before they knew it they had a long pause.

Soon Ritchie broke that pause with a thank you.

Xylo look at him with confuse look on his face
Xylo- Why are you thanking me

Richie turn to xylo with tears in his eyes still.

Richie- Thank you for waking me up from that horrible nightmare

Xylo understanding what was going on now

Xylo- Oh you welcome Also are you ok do you want to talk about it

Richie look at xylo for a minute and then said with a sad depressing voice Do you think im a monster like the other one's

Xylo look at Ritchie with a shock face before telling him Your no monster your just special that's all

Richie- Special?

Xylo- Yes special

Richie thank xylo for that and was about to get ready to go back to sleep when xylo said

Xylo- If you want to talk you know im here for you. We all are here for you.

Richie look at xylo then saying he knows before going back to sleep.

After waking up and starting moving again.
They all soon have gotten to the safe zone.
They took xylo away from the whole group when they were testing them to see if they were dangerous or have anything dangerous. Soon Ritchie was growing worry.

The others did tell Ritchie that xylo will be fine also he is strong and everything will be alright it will work out at the end but Ritchie was just worry. After all what happen last night Ritchie can't just forget xylo kindness out of his mind at all.

A few hours later Ritchie was about to leave when he bump into xylo.

Richie was so happy that he was ok but for some reason he feel like something was wrong.

Richie- Xylo im glad you made it

Xylo look at Ritchie with a smirk

Xylo- Of course I made

Richie- Will what happen xylo why did they take you

After explaining everything to Ritchie.
Richie wanted to fight the warden for what he did but before Ritchie can say a word xylo told him what he needed to do so he can stay at safe heaven.

Richie eyes grow widen with anger and he wanted to kill someone for once in his life time of being a zombie.

Richie did told xylo and try to make xylo stay at the safe heaven but they just started fighting back and forth. Soon it ended off Ritchie giving xylo a hug before saying just be safe ok I don't want you to get hurt that all.

Xylo look at Ritchie then promise him that he will return before leaving.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now