Love Story Between two demi gods (Mario X Bryan) Olympus

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Pain Can Hurt


It was a beautiful day outside. Even through Kayla and Mario did break up they both still friends. They knew that dating one another wouldn't work out so they just let it go and of course dating someone and breaking up with them wouldn't break there friendship apart.

Mario was coming back from a fly around Jeffrey when he heard fighting. Mario didn't know why but he knew he had to check it out. When he check it out he saw two monsters fighting for something inside the cave. When Mario got a good look on who or what it was bryan.

Mario Mind - Wait Bryan why is he hear

Mario couldn't get a great look but he thought that he saw blood so he jump out and killed the two creatures before they had a chance to fight back.

When Mario got closer he saw Bryan with a broken wing and in a pool of his own blood.

Mario Mind- I don't know what happen here but I do know that Bryan needs help but Kayla is gone.

After a while of thinking Mario thought it would be best to take him back at his place after all he didn't know where Bryan live yet and it would be smart to keep an eye on him.

*At the cabin*

When Mario was done patching him up Bryan started to wake up to see he was in a cabin.

Bryan- Ow

Mario- Bryan  it best if you don't move I don't was you to hurt yourself even more

When Mario said that it made Bryan blush a little. He wanted to At least to get up but when he tried to he was in pain crying out. Mario has to gently push him down back on his bed.

Mario - What happen?

Bryan- I was flying around when blade cut me out of the sky. When I tried to fly away again one of the two creature broke my wing and then slash me with its sword. I though I would of die that day but thanks to you in alive.

When Bryan smile at him Mario look away from him.

Mario Mind- Why does he have to be so cutie

Bryan- I gust I should be going

Before Bryan could get up Mario out his hands down on him keeping him from leaving the bed

Mario- I think it's best of you rest before leaving

Bryan -  But where are you going to sleep then?

Mario- I can sleep in the chair

Bryan- No you should sleep in a bed

Mario- Look I only have one bed

Bryan- Then then Then sleep with me

When Bryan said that it made Mario and Bryan blush

Mario- Are you sure?

Bryan- Yes I'm sure it's better then hurting your back

Mario- I gust so

Soon Mario and Bryan went to bed together. Bryan was holding Mario close to him While Mario was cuddling up to him as well and that night they both fell asleep together.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now