Love story between two demi gods (Dranne X Cal) Olympus

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Return of the Flames

After the death of dranne, cal couldn't help but feel a part of him go missing like something was wrong. When he heard dranne was missing it made cal heart broke in two. Dranne was one of the closest friends that he had.

Everyone tried there best to make cal feel better but nothing work and in the end they just gave him some time. Even though after a while cal saw what truly happen to dranne he couldn't help but believe that he was still alive out there somewhere in the world.

Cal Mind- Maybe going out for a walk will help my mind easy for a while

That is when cal.went into the woods walking down a dark path when he felt like something was watching him. He tried to ignored it but he soon trip and fall onto something that made him hit his head and knock himself out.

When he came to he saw he was in dranne bed. Looking around he saw a flame person more like a god or demon making something.

Cal- Umm?

Dranne- Cal? CAL your awake finally. I thought I lost you

That is when dranne pull cal in for a warm hug. For some weird reason cal felt safe and calm within the creatures arms and that is when he realize who this person was

Cal- Dranne? Is this you?

Dranne- Yes it me cal

That is when cal pull from the hug and look into dranne face

Cal- What happen to you?

Dranne- A lot of things but don't worry now I am fine

Cal- I saw you die with my own magic but for some reason I just knew you were still alive

That is when cal pull dranne in for a kiss making him blush like crazy before realizing what happening. Dranne soon kiss back trying to wish that this moment will last forever.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now