{love in war}

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After the emotional explosions an overwhelming light illuminated the dark sky my whole room was lit up in yellowish light I ran towards the window seeing nothing but smoke covering new light smoke and red, red from the fire the air alarm went off loud wailing throughout the city. My puppy Tarzan curled up against me whining softly. I ran my hand thought his fur pulling him closer
My laptop instantly weighted over to a news broadcast.
"We interrupt your programming this is a national emergency shadow blood as bombarded new light. Close your windows and doors wait for further information".
It's always been this way new light and shadow blood never liked the other city. And now it's an official war between us.
I lifted Tarzan into my arms walking over to my window closing it turning on the radio. Sitting down written my repost for school again. About how the nuclear industry was involved after the pandemic of 2020.

After the vaccines, didnt work on the mutations, many people died war broke our over the world over decades centuries even people have fought for land. Ground to make it theirs.
People turned different people from who the parents were immune to and from the parent who was vaciened and damaged because the vaccine had bad side-effects to them.
Overall these times the groups were still the same my gran grand patents were immune to covid and the panoramics to come after even for the black clouds bc-58 in 2058.
The population was so small that we were splits into two cities. New light and dark shadow.
In the new light, we try to make everything better which sometimes results in chaos sometimes well most of the time.
A dark shadow is a straight military base where long ago once was a city New York I only knew that because of history glass when there was a climate clock installed there any, of course, the black lives matter protests.
My opinion on dark shadow I hate then I hate those people who think the only solution to everything is war.
Sometimes I even turn off the music of someone who lives in a dark shadow. 'A shadower'.
Another thing I hate about them is what they call us 'new lost'. The citizens of our city are called 'lights'. They completely make fun of us.

My phone started to vibrate like crazy I unlocked it getting a recall.
Ever since it was uneasy between our cities new light stared to reliE that we had no chance of surviving without any military training.
I signed in for that training wanna protect my family and city.
"Shawn, come on man we have to be at the base in twenty minutes!". Brian sounded stressed and nervous.
"Yes, I'm there in a few minutes okay". I put on my jacket and shoes.
"See you dude".
"See ya". I hang up.
Just when I wanted to call Aaliyah to take care of Tarzan she walking into the room.

What the heck!?

"Jesus babysis how did you come in here?". I placed my hand on her
"I have the key's remember". She held up my spare keys.
"Why did you come here?".
"I heard about the recall so I thought maybe I could take care of Tarzan". She picked him up.
"Where is oreo?". I looked around trying to find the little fluffball of a puppy.
"He's with Jordan".
"Good". I smiled.
"You must go I think". She hugged me Tarzan still between us.
I hugged her tightly.
"Aaliyah if...".
"You won't".
I sign nodding at her.
"I love you". I kissed her head running my hand through Tarzan's fur he licks my cheeks nestling his head into the palm of my head.
"Gonna miss you sweet boy I love you". I kissed his head.
Turning around opening the door.
"Be careful shawn". Aaliyah grabbed my hand.
"I will". I smiled.

Outside it was dark, not dark from the night but dark from smoke and thick clouds. i stared at the burning plants and crashed down buildings.
The CN tower was gone burned down go the ground in a matter of seconds a few years ago it was a miracle that it still wall there after the earthquake but it couldn't survive a bombardment
The skyline from new light will be forever changed. The thing that makes new light, new light.

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