{i wonder why i'm so afraid}

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The only thing I could feel was my heartbeat my handed we're shaking on the metal of the find on my finger.
I looked up Shawn say in the seat in front of me. Starting out of the window.
The train ride was long but he both didn't manage to sleep for a second.

We won't come back home...

We as the new generation have to prove ourselves we can't just live happy until we come back home from the forest hunt. And I know we don't jot because we aren't strong but because only a few hundred left of the generation in more than 50 years.
When he catches my eye I smiled at him sadly.
He smiled back not really talking the whole strain wasn't talking.
After a while, he broke the silence.
"I wonder if this is even real like am I dreaming?".
"Sadly no". I shook my head.
Looking out of the window to the sunset leaving the sky dark.

The tension in the train was heavily dark. I've only seen this tapping to the generation before us on tv when I was nine. I've never been in here really. I remember that I always loved the train ride even though it didn't really happen a lot now. It was the ride to a forest where we only saw drone filming of the forest hunt. It was boring for me because I only saw little dots running. I wanted to see the faces of the 'characters'

I didn't know it was real...

My parents like every other parent told me that it was a series. I understand I don't think I'll tell my child's too.
Later when I was 11 I noticed that there never we're interviews with the cast of the series you never heard of them after it was over. I asked my parents why and they knew they had to tell me because I would be on that train on my travel to the forest a few years later. That's when I got to know the truth. That all generations had to do this that this was a hunt to see who is the strongest to keep the overpopulation under control.

"Can't we escape?".
"Shut up they can hear us". I looked from him to one of the guards.
"Come on y/n we can't let ourselves get killed.
"We will if we leave now there's no survival if he leaves now just instantly dead".
"You're not sure about that". His eyes widen filling with fear.
"I do. certainly dead". I raised my eyebrow at him when he looked down.
"Would it be nice to live inside a world that isn't black and white"?
"You know we can't stop this just pray that our family got a good last shot from us and our friends don't get killed too". I leaned back against my seat crossing my arms starting to the ground.

"What are you doing?". I grabbed shawn's arm making him stop walking towards the other cabin where the guards were. He knew it too well that there's a way out through the ceiling.

I love to escape too...

My parents told me how I should act when I'm in the forest hunt. Stay calm if you in the train trying to find a way out when you're in the forest' my mum survived that way dad was hiding in a hollow three the whole time.

"Don't you know they'll send the hunters after is straight away"?
"Nobody ever tried to escape this train so how do you know?". He pried my fingers from his arm.
"Common sense maybe!". I hissed through my teeth.
He pulled away from my walking towards the cabin.
"Shawn!". I wanted to hold him back again but yanked my hand away when a girl passed is on the opposite way Shawn pressed his back against the other seats making space for her to walk through.
She started at him with a dead glance in her eyes. Looking back at the cabin Shawn was heading to. She slowly shook her head and walked back to her seat.
He looked at her with a blank look on his face. His eyes traveled from to girl to me.
"Don't". I shook my head.
He held my eyes locked for a beat longer than comfortable. Then he turned away opening the door to the cabin soft whisperings and grasps filled the room.
Instantly I heard chaos in the other cabin.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now