{the match}

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I leaned against the car scrolling thought my phone ignoring the whispering and giggles from girls around me. Footsteps walked towards me as I looked up I saw my girlfriend y/n face a little gray slightly shaking on her feet.
"Hey". I kissed her forehead.
"Hey...". She opened the door and sat down pulling her backpack at her feet. I sat down to staring the car.
"You look sick what happens?".
"Just become a little unwell in the last class".
Y/n has pfiber it's almost over the docet said it was two more months. I know how she feels I had it too when I was little but I still remember the feeling.
"You should've just called me". I rested my hand on her knee to comfort her.
She started at my hand for a second thought she would push me away but she let it. Stating out of the wooden.
"You had work I didn't want to bother you".
She has been distant from me lately maybe because love dies off at one point. We didn't see exh other a lot I was mostly working at the gym. And y/n had still school.

"How was your test?".
"It was okay".
I modded tapping my fingers onto the steering wheel. To fill the silence a little.

"We need to go this way". She pointed at the street we just passed her home.
"I know we'll just get some drinks first".
"I don't want to can you just bring me home?".
"You don't wanna go to cara's?".
She held still and looked at me with a little smile.
"See there she is I knew I could get a smile out of you". I throw one arm over her shoulder.
"I do it for Alessia, not for you".
"Dont pity me, baby, i know you do it for me".
She smiled at me wich slowly fade away.
Cara's is the cafe I took y/n on our first date my friend alessia just opened it. And invited me to go so I took to opperumerty to take y/n there I thought it was cute.

"Hey guys".
"Hey alessia how is work going".
"Its amazing we this is a good week".
"Good to hear". I smiled, looked at y/n worried normally she is really talkative with alessia but not now.
"Hey, y/n you're okay". Alessia rubbed her sholder slowly.
"Yes just kinda stressed from school".
"You're doing fine". I covered her hand with mine.
She looked up at me and smiled at me.
"Thank you but i just need time off".
"From what?'.
"Can we talk about this later?".
I nodded slowly.

Talk about what?

I picked up her hand kisses the back of it to make sure she is with me still.
"So the usual?".
"Yes". Y/n's voice sounded at the same tike as mine.
"Aww, cute". Alessia smiled and walked away.
"What is so stressful about school baby".
She heaved her shoulders leaned back against her chair, rubbing her face.
"Is it the hours? I can call the direction and ask for a real air lesser classes".
"I'm fine".
"You're tired?".
"It's not my Pfeiffer". She started with me.
"Baby". I took her hand leaning closer to her.
"Tell me what it is".
"I just think I need some distraction".
"Come here". I patted onto the spot next to me.
When she sat down next to me she leaned her head against my sholder, she is so close but so distant. Sometimes it feels like i'm the only one who is fighting for us.
'Shawn, I can tell you everything right?".
"Of course, you can whatever you will say i understand".
She pulled away from me shoving a few inches from my body.
"Aww how cute love birds". Alessia set down two mint tea's, leaning against the table.
Y/n smiled looked at me and kissed my cheek.

It's fake why is she faking?!

I grabbed her face leaning in for her lips. I looked up to alessia raising my eyebrow at her.
"Oh, yea sure I'll be just... Working".
I mounted a 'thank you'. Before pressing my lips to y/n's. She isn't kissed back of course she doesn't.
"Shawn's i'm sorry... Can you stop?".
I pulled away from her, my hands still resting onto her cheek.
"Baby what's wrong?".
"Shawn...babe... I just don't feel good".
The doctor said that you don't give to go all day to school".
"Well, I am I'm not letting a sticks sickness ruin my school career".
"I know y/n". I took her hand waving my fingers through hers.
She siped her tea.
"Anyway, how is the gym?".
"We just build our boxing ring you should try it once".
She sighs and smiled.
"I will...". She fell silent listened to the radio absently.
She stood up and walked away expecting me to follow.
'Shawn, come on".
"We are going?".
"Come on shawn".
I heaved my shoulders and raised my eyebrow at her.
"Baby what..?". But before I could finish me since she walked out.
I awkwardly spun around my empty cup.
"What's up with y/n?". Alessia walked over to me.
"I don't know". I handed her the money and walled after y/n.
She leaned against the wall eating for me.
"Since you still gave the car keys".
"It's my car".
"Whatever can you  just bring me home?".
"I think we need to talk". I spammed the car keys around my finger.
She grabbed them and logged towards the car. I ran after her sitting doen behind the steering wheel before she could.
She crossed her arms over her chest and looked out of the window to the dark streets illuminated by the streetlights.
"Where are we going I thought you'd bring me home".
"We are going to the gym we need to talk and you need to let your anger out".
Her first balled up untill her uncles went white.
"I'm not angry!".
"You are".

Pulling into the parking loft at the bright lighted gym since i worked here i had the key's, pulling the door open letting her in.
She walked over to her locker changing into her sport outfit.

Her first launched to my face as I qiocllu grave her wrists.
"Not fast enough".
She hit her needs into my stomach causing me to shrink pain spread through my ribcage.
"Ouch, that literly hurted y/n!".
She took a few steps back shook.
"I'm... Sorry".
"Why are you angry?".
"I'm not angry".
"You now tell me".
"I'm not angry i'm confused". She sat down against the bands of the boxing ring.
"About what?".
She didn't respond.
"Y/n about what?".
She stood up lacing her arm to me.
I dogsled her.
"I can't tell you". Wiping set from her forehead. She tackled me pulling me to the ground her arm on my chest to keep me down.
"Now stop talking about it".
I grabbed her arm wrapping my legs around her wast and flipping us over.
'Tell me".
"I don't think you will understand".
"Y/n serious i will understand, you're my girlfriend".
She looked to my chest to avoid my eyes her breath saking and unstable.
"Can you take ma home please".
"Yes of course". I pulled her up.

"You still don't wanna tell me?". I looked from her back to the road.
"I think you will hate me".

Why does she say that!?

'I'll never hate you".
"Never". I pulled unto hwr driveway.
Walking her to the door.
"Uhm okay uhm...". She looked doen at her shoes.
"Y/n you can tell me i swear i won't be mad". I reached out to thought her face but she didn't let me.
"Okay, i'm just gonna say it... I dont love you anymore".


My eyes begin to go water, lips staring to a timer as my throat squeezed closed.
"But why?".
"I'm bi".
I nodded slowly. Trying to wrap my head around the fact that y/n. The girl I love. My girlfriend. Is bisexual.
"How did you found out?".
"Sometimes i see a cute girl walking around the halls of school or at the gym but i still loved you and i'm still a hundred percent attracted to boys".
"I'm your first boyfriend, right?".
She started at me shaking her head grabbed my hands.
"No shawn it's not your fault I just feel like you need to know".
"What did i do wrong". Tears rolled down my cheek now.
"You didnt do anything wrong shawn". She wiped away my tears with her tumbs.
We can't keep on doing this anymore "it's trying to light a match in the rain".
"I can't face this... I'm sorry y/n". I soun aroudn and stoed back inside my car. Crying my eyes out.

The match 

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now