{she isn't ugly}

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I looked up from my salad to Y/n, who sat there staring at her still untouched food.
"Y/n angel what's wrong?". I reached out over the kitchen island to take her hand.
She heaved her shoulders.
"Don't know, just not hungry".
I studied her lay my hand on her forehead, but she was normal in temperature he skin seems it's normal color too.
"You are always in for food what's wrong angel".
"That's what's wrong".
"I feel like I eat too much for my body I really need to build that off".
"Angel everything you eat is healthy and you need it. You go to training every day".
I walked over, sat down next to her, wrapped my arms around her waist.
She rested her head on my shoulder.
"I feel horrible".
"Angel, you are beautiful okay".
"Yea but you are my boyfriend".
"Since when did people say you are ugly".
"They don't have to".
I took her face between my hands kissed her nose.
"I love you remember, never ever forget that".
She smile and nodded.
"I won't... I love you too".
I kissed her lips, pulled her hair from her face.
My phone went off, I took it from the counter and accepted Andrews call, turned on the speaker.
"Hey, Andrew".
"The car will be at yours in one hour".
Y/n tended up, I remember our talk about how she doesn't want to go, I finely confined her to come with me.
I lay my hand on her knee to comfort her.
"We'll be there".
"Good, see you then bye".
"Bye, see you soon".
I put down my phone and looked at her.
I tilted my head to my left slightly raised my eyebrow.
"No Shawn".
"You have too".
"I can wear this"
"You can't wear a hoodie and jeans".
"You are not gonna force me into a dress".
"Who said it is a dress?".
"What did you do mendes?".
I stood up and stretched out my hand for her. She remained in her seat didn't move. Just raised her eyebrow.
"Come on I'll show you what I bought for you".
She sigh and took my hand. I dragged her up and walked to our bedroom
Opened the wardrobe and reviled the silk jumpsuit I bought her for this night. The top was babie bleu and the trousers white, the cape was from lace.
It was beautiful.

Not as beautiful as it can be yet...

"Are you gonna try it on?".
"You know I feel horrible and then...".
"That's why Y/n I want you to feel beautiful".
"I don't deserve you... I don't deserve this". She pointed at the outfit.
I sight and took her hands on mine.
"Angel, you do". I played with the hem of her hoodie, she pulled away my hand slightly.
"Shawn, please let me".
"Come on show me those abs".
"You wanna die?".
"Angel don't be that way you need to change anyway".
"I don't wanna go Shawn". She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me angrily.

She is cute when she is mad

"Shawn serious I swear no don't smile at me that way!".
"You are cute".
"No, Shawn, I'm really mad".
"I know".
"You know nevermind let me stay in bed and you can go to the Grammy's, find yourself some beautiful perfect model or something".
This hit me hard she thinks I don't wanna be with her anymore that I deserve better. Maybe I do Y/n isn't perfect for beauty standards but she is a beautiful girl for me, My girl. She is Y/n, a boxer and a perfect girlfriend for me.
It always amazed me how amazing she actually is. I mean which boy can say that his girlfriend, is selected for international championship boxing?

"Y/n you are so amazing maybe you don't realize but I'm so proud of you and I can call you mine...my angel".
"I don't feel like it".
"Come on let's get you changed".
She sight and changed from her sport leggings into the silk trousers. She grumbled with the lace cape hanging behind her. She isn't used to gala outfits. It's still cute though. She stood there with her silk trousers and hoodie half herself and half the beautiful angel she actually is.
I grabbed the lace fabric and pulled it neatly on the floor.
"Thank you, Shawn".
I smiled, grabbed the hem of her hoodie, I raised my eyebrow. She threw her arms in the air and I took off the hoodie.
For a few seconds, I looked at her toned stomach.
"Stop starting".
"I just can't you are so stunning".
"No, don't say anything you are...oh "wow I still can't believe you are mine".
She ignored me and grabbed the top, put it over her head. She tried to close the zipper on her back, but her arms were too short.
"Shawn can you?..".
"Oh come on you can nock out men who are three times you're height, but can't pull up a zipper".
"Says the boy who sells out arena's but can't even put on a hoodie".
"Okay, we're even".
I pulled up the zipper for her. Turned her ground and kissed her cheek.
Her smile faded as she looks at her reflection in the mirror.
"How much did you spent on it?".
"Y/n no you are not paying that back!".
"How much did you spend?".
"Thousands eight hundred".
"I spent thousand eight hundred".
She looks from me to her reflection again.
"Can you still bring it back?".
"Why should I bring it back?".
"It's too beautiful, too beautiful and expensive Shawn".
"I want you to have it".
"No Shawn I can't I just wear this for tonight and then never again".
"Do you really think I deserve this?"
I wrapped my arms around her waist rested my chin on her shoulder, stared at her through the mirror.
"You deserve all the good things in this world. The most beautiful sunsets, the clearest sky's, the brightest stars the biggest cheers in the crowd the best people around you you deserve the best of all... The last thing I can do is love you".
"I don't deserve you you are so perfect and golden-hearted... God, I love you".
"I love you too angel".
I kissed her bare shoulder.
She walked over to the wardrobe and put on her leather jacket walked back to the mirror.
Adjusted the leather on her shoulders.
"How does this look?".
I smiled rolled my eyes.

She is so stubborn

"Looks perfect".
I walked towards my own outfit laying on the bed. Y/n let herself fall on the bed. She pulled her arms behind her head as I took off my shirt.
"Don't ruin your outfit".
"I won't I'm satisfied here".
"A good view?".
When I change into my suite I dragged her out, she is even more clumpy than I already am, so she bumped into my chest.
I wrapped my arms around her lower back and hugged her.
"Come on princess".
She hit my arm hard.
"Listen buddy shut up".
"Buddy? ouch..."
"I'm not a princess".
"You look like one".
"That you look like a prince doesn't mean I look like a princess, so let's just ignore that".
"You're a stone-cold person".
"I'm a boxer you need to have a mind of steel".
"I'm still proud of myself that I could break those walls around our heart".
"My heart was melting immediately when you catcher my eyes".
"I love you Y/n".
"I love you too Shawn".
"Come on then Andrew must be here".
Tears were slowly traveling down her jaw.
"Y/n angel what's wrong hey tell me what I need to do".
"Can we please just skip this night".
"Angel... They expect me to be there, I have to tell them about the album and the fans want me to see there they want US to be here".
"Shawn, I don't know if I can be there".
"Why not?".
"I'm not like all the other girls... I can't reach beauty standards like them, I can't act or behave like a kinda princess doll, I can't be sexy like them because I'm not".
I sigh, pulled her hair behind her ear. Rested my hand on her cheeks.
"Angel, you are literally the best just sometimes you leave me speechless I love you so much, and so does Mendesarmy so do all the people who will interview me".
"Promise?". She held out her pinky.
I linked mine with hers.
"Promise angel".
She inhaled deeply.
"Okay, we can go".
I smiled, grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead.
We walked over to the hall, handed her a pair of black heels.
She took it from me but didn't put them on. She walked towards the lift barefoot.
"hey, Shawn".
"Hey, Andrew".
"Y/n you look amazing".
"Step in we need to be there in twenty".
We stepped in and drove off.

When we arrived Y/n was immediately pulled away from me to go to hair and makeup. Half my view was blocked by Jack's broad shoulders. He led me through the crowd of my fans. To be honest I wanted nothing more than talk to them, write my autograph, giving hugs and taking pictures with them.
I know I can't my hair still needs to be fixed.

After people fixed my hair and clothes back led me back to my fans I took pictures with them and talk a lot.

They are literally my friends

Jack tapped me on my shoulder I shook him off still too busy with talking to my fans about the new album.
"Wait a second Jack".
Y/n pulled up my arms and placed it over her shoulder.
She had a little smile on her lips. I hugged her close to my chest to comfort her.
"Y/n!". The crowd started to scream.
Y/n waved shyly at them and grabbed my hand which was pulled over her shoulder.
I walked away quickly squeezed the hand of a little fan.

Jack led us to the interviews, y/n squeezed my hand I looked at her.
"You love them right?".
"I love them more than anything else they are literally the best".
"I'm happy that you have them".
The first flashed of camera's hit my face. Our names where yelled all of the place.
Y/n abruptly stopped walking.
"Come on angel let them take some pictures of us.
"No, you go I'm fine here".
"Come on Y/n you look beautiful".
"No really Shawn I'm fine here".
"You are so cute when you are shy".
"Just go Shawn".
"Okay". I kissed her hand and walked off to the photographers Josiah walked right behind me to take some shots too.

A few minutes later. I saw an interviewer talking to Y/n I walked over to comfort her but she seems pretty calm.
"As we talk about Shawn".
"Hey, shawny".
I threw my arms over her shoulder.
"Hey, angel".
"Shawn, we just talked about you. Let me say one thing you look good".
"And maybe planning a wedding soon".
"Oh no she doesn't have time for that".
"I understand, Y/n I heard that you are selected for international boxing championship".
"That's right".
"You must be proud of her Shawn".
"I am... so damn proud".
"Well, you both look stunning tonight, have fun".
"Thank you". Y/n and I said in unison.
I leaned close to her ear. "I told you you are beautiful".
She smiled and kissed my lips.
She is so beautiful.

She isn't ugly

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