{how you always seem to understand}

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My heart beated against my chest as the streets raced to pass me
"Hey stop please!". His footsteps were closer now


I ran through the streets faster my throat went dry as the streets became blurry. I bumped against a streetlight with my shoulder which made me shrink in for a second. I quickly glanced over to the person following me he was still a good twenty feet away from me. I stopped shortly holding my shoulder. Closing my eyes in pain I only had the time to inhale before I was pulled against the wall of Rogier center.

He got me... Fuck!

I held my arms up to shield my face off for if he'll hit me.
"Sorry if I scared you it wasn't my intention".
I know this voice so damn well that I don't know if I'm imagining it.
I slowly opened my eyes seeing a blurry face with dark brown curls, but slowly his facial features came into focus.
His cheeks colored rosy making his cheek scar almost disappear. His lazy eyes were more ofivedce than ever from a close up now. His beautiful caramel brown orbs catcher the light of the streetlights. His curls were messy hanging in front of his face.
"Are you okay?". He examined me with a worried look on his face.
"Don't scare me that way god I thought you were someone crazy who tried to rape me".
"Why did you leave?".
"The show was over it's pointless to stay then". I raised my eyebrow confused why he asked.
"At the meet and greet I asked you to hang out with us backstage".

Why me?

"I thought... Wait you weren't joking?". My eyes widen.
"Why would I joke about that?". She looks comcursed.
"O my God I'm so stupid". I rubbed my face.
"No you're not, anyway I would love to take you back to roger center".
"Uhm not sure my boyfriend will be really worried". I joked.
"Oh... Sorry I didn't know do you want me to uhm take you home?". He seemed disappointed.
I started chuckling softly then broke out laughing.
"Aww o my God I'm sorry". I looked up at him with tears in my eyes from laughing.
"What?". His eyebrows frown together.
"I was joking I don't have a boyfriend". I patted his arm to calm him.
"Oh, yea sure I mean well not so sure because you're beautiful and I mean it would be understandable if you had a boy or girlfriend". He ran his hand through his hair knowing he messed up too.
"Aww thank you for the compliment". My cheeks heated up quickly I was nervous as hell but I tried to hide it with my sassy personality.
"Aww, you're cute I like shy girls". He smiled pulling my hair behind my ear.
I'm not good at hiding it.
Normally I could find words to talk myself out of it but I couldn't this time.
"Let's go back its getting cold... And no you're not getting my jacket". He rested his hand on my shoulder as we walked back.

"Wow, this place is pretty big". I looked around at the arena.
"I know right it's like a city". He smiled.
"You were good this night I'm so proud of you". I smiled patting his shoulder.
"Was I? God I thought I sounded so bad tonight".
"Shawn no you never do you always sound amazing even in London when you're voice was cutting out on you". I turned him towards me so I could look him in the eye.
"Aww, you're so sweet". She smiled putting her hand on his heart.

We sat down on the b-stage talking about the show how magical it was. I was trance by his beautiful staring at him letting myself go with the wave of his beautiful voice.
"Shawn!". Jake walked over to us with a worried look on his face.
"God I told you not to go after her yourself you could get... Just don't do it again". He dragged Shawn off the stage.
"But you were busy with the walkout I couldn't find you". Shawn looked down.
Jake's eyes met mine.
"Well, at least she looks like girlfriend martial for you". He smiled.
"Jake!.. Shut up not with her now". He pocked jake in his side.
"I smiled looking down at my hands.
"He was joking". Shawn smiled to comfort me.
"I'm not". Jake whispered in my ear.
"Uhm... It's beautiful here".i blurred out.
"Aww, you're so shy that you can't say some profound things at all". Shawn hugged me tightly.
"Shut up was overwhelmed". I pressed my face against his chest.
"Come on we missed you we have a thing to celebrate". Jake led us backstage.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now