{locked city}

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The glass field in front of the school was filled with students and their parents.
All the children in Summerside were students because the Canadian government set up strict rules for keeping the population low so after the accident, my age was born people stopped having children it was a countrywide law. For the population in a city live Toronto, I can understand but our town is one of those small towns. Where barely 100 people live.

"Y/n honey have fun". Mum hugged me rubbing my back.
"Thanks, mum". I smiled.
"Take your medicine". Dad patted my shoulder.
"I have it". I rolled my eyes taking the capsule from my jacket.
"Stay safe boy". He hugged me a beat longer than he normally does.
Mum's eyes widen in fear hitting his arm softly.
"Not that anything is gonna happen". He smiled.
Something was wrong dad never went and waved me out when I go out for a few days. Mum only brought me if it was too far but the school is literally in the middle of our town it was a one-minute walk.
My stomach knotted together.
"Hey y/n". Connor patted the back of my head.
"Shut up lemon". I ruffled through his hair.
"Hey don't do that I spent a hell of a lot of time on that".
"Whatever". I rolled my eyes.
"Guys come on!". The bus driver waved us over.
Connor put me in a headlock pulling me into the buss set me down next to him.
I looked out of the window waging at my parents. Jon and sam sat behind us.
"This is gonna be amazing a few days's not the yelling from my parents on my head". Jon leaned back in the chair.

After a few hours, we all dozed off to sleep my forehead pressed against the window. As Connor's shoulder was softly resting on my shoulder.
"Boy and girls we can't make it to the location so we'll go back home".
A few disappointed sounds echoed through the bus.
"Sorry, you all there's no way we can find it".
I turned to Sam who rubbed his eyes sleepily.
"How though?'. I signed
He heaved his shoulders.
"There goes my few days without parents". Jon role his eyes.

When we went back to our little town it was dark already a little bit raining and gloomy. When the air hit me it felt lonely more money than normal nights. It felt like we were alone which send slivers over my spine only thinking about it.
"Hey, mum uhm I'm home again I just want you to know but you probably sleeping now so I'll tell you tomorrow". Alessia spoke in her mother's voicemail.
I tried to call mum too but it didn't even work just like everyone else had at that moment no one picked up.

"Okay guys calm down its night maybe they're just sleeping I insist we all go home sleep it's been tiring for all of us". Jordan heaved his voice. The crowd stayed silent and in their place, no one has a clue on what to do. But slowly in a spend an hour they left back home.
I left ad one of the last.

I walked over to my parent's room just to be sure they are here their bed was just a neatly made as this morning. My heart started heating faster against my chest.
"Mum dad?!".
It was quite no one responds.
I ran my hand through my hair running out of the house again. Into the streets. Everyone had the same idea everyone was suffering through the streets towards the churge because it's our meeting place kinda.

Everyone sat down nervously waiting for someone to take the lead.
But nobody spoke up.

Then I have to

I lited myself up slowly instantly all eyes turned towards me. I sat down again feeling shy all of a sudden. Cheeks heating up. Connor groaned dragging me up again.
"Con no I...".
"You stood up first they expect you to say something". He pulled me forwards.
As soon as I stood in front of the branched filled with people anxiety licked in my palms started to sweat and my heart pounded against my ribs. I glanced around at the pair of eyes already waiting for me to say something. Connor nodded for me to start talking.
"Uhm hey for the once who don't know me uhm I'm y/n and... Uhm....". I placed over at a board at the end of the hall with the same of the parents who worked in the churge. I watched mum's name

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now