{i'm gonna miss this}

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I stepped away from the door. Pulled my backpack on my shoulder again.
When the door opened caramel-born eyes met mine.
"Hey y/n right the exchange student".
"Yep, that's me". I smiled I admired him, beautiful eyes cute hair, a necklace with the holy Christopher hung around his neck which is exposed to protect travelers.
"I'm Shawn come in". He smiled holding the door for me.
"So I have two sisters this week". He leaned against the door frame.
I let down my backpack.
"Oh shut up Aaliyah texted me that you love her where is the actual?". I smiled.
"She has a hockey game with my mum and dad went with her".
"Should you?". I raised my eyebrow.
"I had a project which needs to be done tomorrow and someone has to take you in so I promised them to take you under my wings".
"Am I not holding you up then?".
"It's fine I'm almost done, what do you wanna drink". He
"Just water". I smiled.
He filled a glass of water for me handing it to me sitting down behind his laptop.
"What it the project about?". I rested my chin in my hands.
He didn't respond.
Finley his eyes met mine.
"Sorry, what?".
"What is it about?".
"Mecial world from the further". He looked back at the screen.
"Oh so your studying medicine?".
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"I wanna people who have allergies". He smiled.
"Seems completed". I looked at his screen too.
"You just have to keep up with the work". He smiled.

"Y/n?". I turned around when I heard that voice.
"Aaliyah hey nice to finely meet you". I stood up from my chair pulling her into a hug. She squeezed me.
When I pulled away I looked at her. Her outfit was literally popping. Black trousers with a dark green shirt and a black blazer which she bonds tighter to her waist with a belt.
"Girl your outfit is popping I swear".
"Aww thanks, y/n your smile is cute".
"Indeed". Shawn whispered.
My heart melted a little when I heard his voice.
I turned towards him smiling.
"Thank you".
I smiled back at me.
Turned back when I felt a hand on my shoulder a woman looked at me with kind brown eyes.
"Hey sweetie I'm Karen Aaliyah's mum".
"Y/n nice to meet you, Karen".
"This is my boyfriend manual". She patted the chest of a middle-aged man.
I raised my eye ore at them confused.
"You mean husband right?".
"Oh no, we were never married". He smiled.
"Sorry for the misunderstanding then, Nice to meet you manual".
"Nice to meet you too y/n, just call me manny everyone does".
I smiled at them, all looking like a happy couple.
"Oh y/n I like you to meet someone". Aaliyah took the hand of a boy around her age.
"I'm Jordan".
"Hey Jordan nice to meet you". I shook his free hand.
I turned back towards Shawn crossing my arms over my chest walking closer to him.
He raised his eyebrows at me confused.
"Let me guess you have a girl or boyfriend too?".
"Well, I don't". He ran his hand through his hair.

Good to know...

"Of course, he doesn't he act like five years old".
"Aaliyah!". Shawn shot her a death stare.
"It's true". He heaved her shoulders.

"Y/n wanna go shopping with my friends and I?". Aaliyah floped down on her bed next to where I was sitting.
"I love to". I smiled looking up from my phone.
My friends love to meet you after my rambling about you for a few weeks". She stood up waiting for me to follow her.
I followed to get down the stairs putting on my shoes.
"Where are you two going?". Shawn leaned against the doorframe.
"Shopping with Alexa and deni". She put on her jacket.
"Call me if something wrong okay".
"I will".
He pulled her in for a hug sqeezing her tightly. Whispering something in her ear to which she giggled.
"Aaliyah come on". I waved her over
"Can you drive?".
"Of course". I smiled holding out my hand.
She threw the keys at me, and we walked towards a car.
Shawn waved at us. I smiled at him.

He's so beautiful!

$Oh no don't start about my brother". She rolled her eyes.
"I'm not". I looked down at his red face.
"You're literally eye-fucking him".
"I'm not I was just starting at his beauty".
"He isn't that beautiful everybody says that but he's just normal". She heaved her shoulders
"You know him your whole life". I started the car driving off.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now