{puppy love}

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"Y/n?". Aaliyah leaned against the doorframe.
I set down the water basket for oreo suffering through his fur he turned to his back begging me to cuddle with him.
I smiled ticketing his belly kissing his fur softly.
"Aww look who's a happy boy yes you are you are so sweet".
"Yeah sorry you wanted to talk to me". Stood up leaning against the change.
"A pup was found on adeila street". Her voice turned.
"Is it okay?". I walked over to her.
No, it isn't it's been hit by a truck "really bad". Tears welled up in her eyes.
"Went the agent location to my phone I'll go there". I grabbed my jacket.
"I will". She whipped away her tears taking het phone out of her pocket. "Don't panic too much okay I'll fix this". I smiled hugging her shortly.
She smiled as oreo pressed up against her leg. She coughed down and hugged him.
I walking out of the dog shelter as fast as I could to my car.
I followed the route google maps tracked me on. Setieenes echoed through the streets. It was chaos var's insult stopped in front of the fallen truck. A million boxes fell out of the truck propped open. It was already tracked. To see itself. Finding a bunch of police and ambulances at the door already. I parked my car in the middle of the road since all cars stopped. Running out cramming myself through the car's jumping over some boxes to reach a little lumb of blond fur as tiny as a fluff ball. Dark blood on the road-oriented the pup. I kneeled slowly placing my hand on its neck. Finding slow but present puls. Its chest was slowly rising and falling with some hesitations.

Thank God it's alive!

I turned the pup around finding a big seep wound on its side.
"Aww sorry, buddy". I stared at the wound.
A man from the ambulance walked over to me with a blanket.
"To keep him warm at least".
"Thank you". I nodded taking the blanket from his wrapping it around the pup carefully.
"Do you think he'll be okay?".
"Not sure but I'll try my best". J smiled.
He nodded.
"What happened?". I looked up at him.
"He crossed the streets the driver saw in and stopped whereby the truck fell on its side".
"Is the driver okay?".
"He is just a few little brushes and in shock, he said he likes to see the pup when you came around". He smiled
"Where is he?". I looked around the streets.
The man led me to the ambulance.
Where the driver was laying in a bed a blanket wrapped around him to keep him calm.
"Hey, sir my name is y/n from the dog shelter I'm gonna try and make the pup better".
"Hey y/n I'm brian nice to meet you". His eyes went from me to the little fluff lump in my arms.
"Aww, the poor thing it's just a little one still so young". He slowly lifted his hand running it through its fur.
"Can I visit the shelter if I'm feeling better?".
"Always brian". I pulled my card from my pocket handing it over to him.
"Button nose funny name".
"We focus on caring and pressure of young pups but we also do other animals like cats".
"I'll dive by once". He placed the card in his lap.
"Sorry for your truck and shipment where did you have to go".
"To Pickering".
"A friend of mine lives there".
"So maybe I see you around there".
"Yes maybe". I looked down at the pup.

I picked the pup from the passenger seat rubbing it softly.
"Your home now it's gonna be okay". I locked my car walking over to the door pushing it open.
Aaliyah looked up from the form of papers. Instantly coming over to me.
"Is he hurt?". She examed the pup.
"A major wound on his side be careful". I handed him over to her.
She took him in her arms walking over to the little mecial room we had. All the other dogs had their free walking hour so they were all happily tailing up getting excited by the thought If a new puppy friend.
I calmed them down by simply rolling a tennis ball over the floor. In a matter of seconds, they dart towards it.
I laughted at them All happy puppies even oreo starts to send more signs of happiness ever since he came here oreo was left by his former caretakers. Ever since Aaliyah and I took him in here he went happier by the day. He is repented on Aaliyah she's his favorite friend.

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