{night sky}

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"Aaliyah!". I tried to pull the guard from my back getting to my sister who was taken away from me.
"No, let me go, Shawn!". She reached for me but was pulled back rudely.
My throat was sore from screaming that everything that left my month came put as a soft roar.
"Shawn...". Tears roll down her cheeks.
"Sorry". My vision went blurry as my heart sunk into my stomach.
They left taking my sister who I was supposed to protect since our parents left.

Fuck you're an idot!

I ran out of the house. Just running to nothing

My whole clothes were soaked I start to a sliver.
I ran my hand through my wet curls, trying to look through my blurry vision.
I held my hand on the place I have shot cloning on my shirt already soaked with blood. Glancing around seeing that i was at a harbor. Left from me the lake where the moonlight shimmered onto the surface of the water.
I turned my head to the few houses. All black inside no lights.
I walked ahead over the concrete my legs somewhat too heavy for my body to move.
In the corner of my eyes, I saw light flickering from the doorpost lamp.
I turned back slowly jogging over to the door.
It was an old house with little blinded windows looking quite abounded. I opened the door which was unlocked slowly not wanting to break in if someone lives here.
I glanced around into darkness my eyes weren't used to the contrast from the darkness outside and then inside too.

After a while, my eyes adjust to the darkness.
I instantly walking into an almost empty Living room with only a sofa, table, and a yellowish light having on the ceiling.

Someone lives here... They won't mind if I stay here for a while, will they?

I sat down on the sofa finding a blanket on the armrest wrapping myself in it and dozing off.

I woke up freezing my hand's ice cold. I propped myself up on my elbows walking over to the heater in the corner of the room. Turning it up a little.
I move to the kitchen looking through the cabins most of them empty here and there a few cans of beans and dry dog food.
On the counter a few gallons of water.
I grabbed a glass out of the cabin, filling it with water.
Chucking it instantly not noticing how thirty I a cult was I've been running for ours losing more and more blood from my wound.
I looked down at my red coveted shirt.


I wandered around the house trying to find the bathroom, Upstairs the first room left. I found the light switch turning it on.
In the mirrored cabin was an HBO box.
Taking out a bandage and these weird little bottles of alcohol.
To be honest I don't know how to do this.

I froze when a door opened from downstairs.
My heart beated against my chest.
"Connor your already there?". Footsteps walked in.
"I'm here y/n".
"Wait if you aren't in there and alessia is right here who is in the house?".
I stumbled over my own feet taking the bandages and alcohol holding them under my jacket.
"Fuck". My heart beated in my throat getting panicked and neeouvse.
"What do you smell Tarzan what is it, sweet boy?". The first voice cooked probably to something like a dog.
"There is something wrong y/n give me your gun". The male voice called.
"I am better than you Connor".
Footsteps jogged upstairs as I pressed my back against the cold wall tiles.
The door cracked open a girl which I assume is y/n pointed her gun at me. She was short at least one foot smaller than me, silklike hair catching the moonlight from outside.

She's kinda beautiful

"Who are you?".
"Please don't shoot!". I think in.
"Who are you?!".
"Please don't I can't...".
"Who. the. Hell. Are. You?!". She pulled the safety pal from the trigger.
"No please don't...".
"Who are you!".
"Shawn... Shawn... I'm shawn".
"Just shawn?".
"Shawn Peter Raul mendes please don't shoot". I shielded my face with my arms which made the bandages roll from my jacket.
Why are you stealing our stuff and "what are you doing here shawn?". She focused on the gun mining at my forehead.
"I was looking for my sister but got lost this house didn't seem, well that someone lived here I'm sorry I'll go". I tried to pull myself up but collaborated to the floor with a hard thump.
"O my God". Footsteps rushed towards me.
When my vision was focused again another girl kneeled next to me she had a worried look on her face.
"You don't have to help him alessia".
"He needs help as you see". She shot a deadly look at the girl with the gun.
"He was just about to leave". She didn't put down the gun.
The girl pulled me up I hissed as her hand touched my wound.
"Sorry... Oh you... Okay you need help. Connor!".
"What is going on here?".
"I need your help getting him downstairs".
"I'm not sure we don't know him he might be one of those guards".
"He needs help Connor". She rubbed my back.
"He was just about to leave". The girl finely put doen her gun.
"Right shawn?". Her eyes pried at me intensely.
"Yes uhm sorry for bothering". I stood up standing weakly on my feet.
"You're sure you are okay?". Alessia tapped my shoulder softly.
"Wanna bet that he doesn't even reach the end of the harbor?". Y/n swung her gun around.
"I just hope he doesn't come back". Connor grabbed the gun staring at me quite scared.
"Sorry". I went back downstairs slowly.
A dog started to grow at me a little golden retriever not even a year old.
"Hey buddy ssst it's okay I'm shawn". I kneeled patting his fur.
He barked at the door uncontrollably.
Footsteps rushed downstairs.
"Don't". Connor pushed me back, trying to make the dog stop harking
"You need help? I kinda had....".
"No I don't need your help I don't even know who you are". He ran his hand through his hair.
"He's just a little mistrusting it didn't your fault". Alessia gave me a warm smile.
I nodded looking away to y/n who leaned against the wall staring at me.
"She likes you".
"Does she?".
"She has a weird way to show it". Alessia winked at me.

Alessia's cold fingers worked on my wound. She had a blanket wrapped over my shoulders so I don't get cold. The language felt a little tight around my ribs but it's better than bleeding out.
"Does he has to stay?" Y/n set down a glass of water for me.
"He might be helpful". Alessia eyes met hers shortly.
"Oh whit what it isn't like he is smart enough to know why all daylight is gone or that he can handle a gun".
"Looking at his body he might be strong y/n you just know him for what like an hour". She focused back on my chest.
"See we don't know him he can be a spy or working for these guards which tried to take you from me".
"Don't you see he's one of us Connor?".
"I just say we have to be careful who we trust".
"You can trust me". I looked up at him.
"And I think I can be helpful at least I try". I smiled.
Only alessia smiled back.
"Don't listen to them their just a little cold, you're all done". She patted my shoulder.
"Thank you".
She walked I've to the kitchen.
"We need to store up on food". She walked back putting on her jacket.
"I go with you". Connor's head shoots up placing the day from his lap to the ground.
"See you soon Tarzan". He kissed his fur.
Tarzan tripped over to my resting his chin on my knee.
As the door closed y/n floped down on the sofa giving barely space for me to sit.
"Where are they going?".
"to one of the closed down supermarkets, we get a lot of good food there". She ran her hand through her hair.
Now in the dimmed light and all calmness she looks not that permutating anymore she was quite cute and innocent looking now something to protect. But I think she is completely capable of protecting herself still my mind says I have to protect her.
"Why did you wanna kill me?". I stared at her.
"Never trust who you take in the house".
"Don't you trust me?".
"I don't even know you". She looked away from me.
"Then get to know me". I inched closer to her.
"Okay, where are you from?".
"Who old are you?".
"Cool". She smiled to herself.
Silent lingered over us. She stated at me which kinda took me off the guard.
"Did you ever had a girlfriend?". She looked at the ceiling.
"What?". I took Tarzan on my lap suffering through his fur.
"Did you ever had a girlfriend?".
"No". I shook my head.
"Okay, I'm surprised what?".
"Of course I've fooled around, but never something serious".
"Do you want a girlfriend?".
"No, it's not something I nesserryly need".
She smiled inching closer to me sliding from the sofa next to me on the floor.
"Sorry I almost killed you".
I nodded not knowing what to say.
She smiled at me pulling a curl from my forehead.
Leaning in closer pecking my lips.
"I like your lips their soft". She smiled pulling her hair behind her ear.
"I like yours too". I smiled dragging my thumb along her soft lips.
"You wanna do that again?".
She nodded wrapping her arms around my neck leaning in closer her lips pressed against mine warmed spread through my body.
I felt happy, happy that I found someone like her.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now